Ko te prebiram, plavam. Kot medo s šapami me
potiskaš v blaženost. Ležiš na meni, ki si me
razdejal. Na smrt sem te vzljubil, prvi med
rojenimi. V enem samem hipu sem postal tvoj kres.

Varen sem, kot nisem bil nikoli. Si dokončni
občutek zadoščenja: vedeti od kod je hrepenenje.
V tebi sem kot v mehkem grobu. Režeš in prežarjaš
vse plasti. Čas se vname in izgine, himne slišim,

ko te gledam. Strog si in zahteven, stvaren. In ne
morem govoriti. Vem, da hrepenim po tebi, trdo sivo
jeklo. Za en tvoj dotik dam vse. Glej, pozno sonce

buta ob stene dvorišča v Urbinu. Umrl sem zate.
Čutim te in te rabim. Mučiš. Ruješ me in izžigaš,
vedno. In v prostore, ki si jih uničil, teče raj.

© Tomaž Šalamun
Aus: Mera časa
Ljubljana : Cankarjeva založba,
Audioproduktion: Študentska založba


As I read you, I swim. Like a bear-bear with paws,
 you push me into bliss. You lie on top of me, who
 tore me apart. You I fell in love with unto death, first
 among the born. It took but a moment and I was your bonfire.

I am safe as never before. You are the ultimate
 feeling of fulfillment: to know where longing comes from.
 I'm in a soft grave whenever inside you. You cut, you illuminate,
 every layer. Time bursts into flame and disappears. I hear hymns

when I watch you. You are strict and demanding, concrete. And I
cannot speak. I know I long for you, hard grey steel. For one of
your touches, I give up everything. Look, the late afternoon sun

is dashing against the walls of the courtyard in Urbino. I have died
for you. I feel you, I use you. Torturer. You uproot and you torch me,
always. And into the places you have destroyed, paradise flows.

Translated by Michael Biggins
© by White Pine Press