Ann Cotten


Érica Zíngano


Papa, Kind, Kalter Krieg

When I learned how you put my little half-sister to bed
and how in good moments I converse with my lover, I realized:

Did you talk with me in my early years
in the dusk before sleeping time?
(serious conversations they were
between two earnest young men)
And then pretend you didn't know me
during the daytime?
Letting only a tiny glint in your eye
promise you did know – far away?
That I might draw another breath
of it tomorrow?

Alle geistigen Mittel Gegen den Kommunismus!
Diese geistigen Mittel!
Sind alle für ihn,
wenn man sie nicht Züchtigt!

Geistige Mittel, anstellen
um ein Autogramm!
Nicht, geistige Mittel, schielen
auf die Leute, die den Teppich legen!
Denken heißt schlaff sein und disjunkt.
Geistige Mittel! Guttenberg und die Zeitung befehlen:
Alle geistigen Mittel, auf zum Spott!
Ganz darf nicht, sonst weg! Luxus herrscht!
Stahl/ Glas/ Stahl/ Glas/ Stahl/ Glas/

© Ann Cotten
Audioproduktion: Literaturwerkstatt Berlin, 2012

Papai, Filhinha, Guerra Fria

When I learned how you put my little half-sister to bed
and how in good moments I converse with my lover, I realized:

Did you talk with me in my early years
in the dusk before sleeping time?
(serious conversations they were
between two earnest young men)
And then pretend you didn't know me
during the daytime?
Letting only a tiny glint in your eye
promise you did know – far away?
That I might draw another breath
of it tomorrow?

Todos os meios – espirituais, intelectuais,
morais – contra o comunismo!
Ah esses meios!
São todos a favor dele,
quando não são Castigados!

Vocês, meios, se enfileirem
por um autógrafo!
Não, meios, não olhem
de viés para as pessoas que abrem o tapete!
Pensar significa estar fraco e dissociado.
Todos os meios! Guttenberg  e a imprensa ordenam:
Todos os meios, ao escárnio!
Completamente não pode, então fora! O luxo comanda!
Aço/ Vidro/ Aço/ Vidro/ Aço/ Vidro/

Tradução: Érica Zíngano
Versschmuggel, poesiefestival berlin 2012