Michal Habaj


Martin Solotruk



Vraciam sa po rokoch a či po storočiach, ma princesse.

Iba Európa na mapách zostarla a moria zvráskaveli,
popolavé čelo odráža to isté popolavé nebo.
Oči ťažké, akoby patrili komusi inému, kráčajú
stránkami s detskou erotikou, bezo mňa, ktorého obchádzajú
smútky l`amour courtois. Storočia kamsi odlietajú,
akoby padali kamene zo srdca rytiera v srdci medirytiny.  

Popýtam o ruku tieň vlastnej ruky, čo ma pohladí,
popolavé nebo odráža to isté popolavé čelo.
Prach padá na naše duše a vesmír cinká šepotom úst,
krvácajúcich do lona mŕtveho Slova. Plavé dvorné dámy
roztvárajú barokové oči ako vejáre, v ich jemnej pleti
vädnúce slnko zapaľuje krv, z ktorej sa krúti Zemeguľa.

Roh jednorožca a či McLaren mihne sa mojim zrakom
a zapadne hlboko vo mne. Cvaknú zuby, keď
umelá inteligencia zbiera slnkom napuchnuté tulipány.
Trubadúr opitý vínom z ruží sníva pieseň, čo roztvorí
pery hologramu a viečka nechá klesnúť na šedé obrazovky.
Zlatistá kader leží v dlani a rozvoniava čínskou kuchyňou.  

Cez zastretú obrazovku vidím decentnú spoločnosť nad planétou
a feudála, čo širokým schodišťom vstupuje do apokalypsy.
Medzi prstami držím atómy, jadrové hlavice a satelity
obmývajú rozpadávajúce sa steny planéty, vypárané
pokojnou rukou času. Iné ruky, čo sa nikdy nedotýkali
umelej hmoty, mi chýbajú. Krvavé ústa dvíham z kameňa,

ktorý sa pred storočiami dotkol tvojej pokožky, princezná.

© Michal Habaj
من: Básne pre mŕtve dievčatá
الإنتاج المسموع: Ars Poetica


It is me, returning after all these years or else centuries, ma princesse.

Nothing, but Europe has grown old in the maps, and the seas gotten all lined and
my pale ash-grey forehead mirroring the sky of the same look.
Eyes heavy, as if belonging to somebody else, traversing
pages laden with child erotica, yet disembodied   
among the inescapable sadnesses of l´amour courtois. As the centuries fly away,
it is as if stones were falling from a knight`s heart in the heart of a facade.

I´ll ask the shadow of my hand for its hand, which will be so tender,
my pale ash-grey forehead mirroring the same look of the sky.
It´s the dust falling on our souls and the universe clinging with the murmur
                                                                                              of mouths
bleeding into a womb of the deceased Word. Fair-haired dames of the court
unfold their baroque eyes like fans. And it is in their fine complexion
where the wilting sun still teases into life the blood that keeps the Globe in motion.

The horn of a Capricorn or a McLaren flashes and whizzes across my sight
only to descend and park deep inside. A jawbone claps as
the AI collects all kinds of sun-swollen tulips.
The troubadour drunk from a wine made of roses, he dreams a song
that will click open the lips of a hologram and let the eyelids fall on grey screens.
A golden lock nests in a palm and smells all around of the best Chinese cuisine.

Through a staticky screen I can see the esteemed congress above the planet
and a feudal who walks down the wide hall right into an apocalypse.
Between my fingers I am still holding atoms, nuclear warheads, and satellites
they wash the crumbling walls of our Earth,
vivisected with a timely hand. I can´t grasp any other hands   
that have never touched artificial matter. I can just raise my bleeding mouth from
                                                                                                        the stone,   

from the stone that touched your skin ages ago, dear princess.

English Translation from Martin Solotruk