Antigone Kefala


Ece Attila



In the metallic light
the pavements
were rivers of blood
flooding the gutters
this hot, transparent liquid
made of silk
live, breathing on the stone
trying to defend itself
from the invisible killers
that were watching
watching this magnificence
this red flowering
shrinking, freezing
vanishing into the ground.

© A.K.
من: Absence: New and Selected Poems
Sydney : Hale & Iremonger, 1998
الإنتاج المسموع: M.Mechner, literaturWERKstatt berlin, 2003


Metalik ışıkta
Kan nehrine dönmüş
Oluklardan taşan
Bu saydam sıcak sıvı
İpekten yapılmış
Yaşamak, taşın üzerinde soluklanarak
Kendini korumaya çalışarak
Görünmez katillerden
İzlemek bu kırmızı şöleni
Çiçeklenip donarak
yavaş yavaş yok olan 

Çeviri: Ece Attila