Zoltán Csehy 




A perzsa freskófestő húngaro

Traducciones: de

to poem

Koncert Helsinkiben húngaro

Traducciones: de

to poem

Úszó húngaro

Traducciones: de

to poem

A krummbachtali fürdő húngaro

Nincs hová visszamennem húngaro

Verdi húngaro

Margit, Heléna húngaro

A nehéz kotta húngaro

Reggeli futás húngaro

Zoltán Csehy 

Foto © private
* 26.11.1973, Pozsony, Hungary, Eslovaquia
Vive en: Bratislava, Slovakia, Eslovaquia

Zoltán Csehy studied Latin and Hungarian at the Comenius University in Bratislava. In 2003, he obtained a Ph. D. from the University of Budapest for a research about Antonio Beccadelli’s work. He is currently teaching Hungarian language and literature at the same university department. His literary activities are very diverse: he is known as a poet (many of his books are published in literary translation) but he also works as a translator, literary historian and critic.

 Foto © private