Stephen M. Dickey 

on Lyrikline: 3 poems translated

from: хорватский to: английский




хорватский | Damir Šodan

blažena bjelina
udaljenih mjesta.
obična čista majica
u kojoj nisi nikoga ubio.
u pet ujutro u hotelskoj sobi
kopaš po torbi
tražiš pjenu za brijanje
i misliš na Antarktik.
Zbilja – gdje bi ti bio kraj
da si se kojim slučajem
oduvijek ovako rano

© Damir Šodan



Blessed be the whiteness
of distant places,
a clean, ordinary T-shirt
with no one to kill!
At 05:00 A.M. in a hotel room
you rummage through your bag
looking for shaving foam
and thinking of the Antarctic.
Indeed, there would have been no
stopping you, had you
always been ready
for such an early start.

Translated by Stephen M. Dickey und Damir Šodan


хорватский | Damir Šodan

sanjala sam da se Kamčatka
odvojila od kopna i da pluta
oceanom slobodna.

svi mediji su to prenijeli.
(Japancima je preporučeno
da ostanu u kućama.)

trčala sam gradom da te nađem
prije početka sveopće kataklizme,
ali ti si se spremao u kino

s nekim nepoznatim ženama.
jedna od njih mi je ukrala kaput.
bila sam tako nesretna.

svu noć sam vikala.
ali me nitko nije mogao čuti.
kao da sam umrla.

© Damir Šodan



I dreamed that Kamtchatka
had broken off from the mainland
and was floating freely across the sea.

all the media covered the event.
(the Japanese were advised
to remain indoors.)

I ran through the city trying to find you
before the whole world fell apart,
but you were getting ready to go

to the movies with some women
I did not know. one of them stole my
coat. I was so desperate.

I screamed all night long,
but no one could hear me.
as if I'd been long dead.

Translated by Stephen M. Dickey und Damir Šodan


хорватский | Damir Šodan

Hoću li ikada imati štap
sljepački gospodski starački štap
štap s kojim ću kao Yeats izlaziti na led
kuckati o pločnik tjerati ptice i kukce
kad naiđu zbunjena doba
suhonjave godine koje klize niz kosine
trebat će mi taj štap
štap-nešto od ružinog ili nekog drugog
drva štap zanimacija  
i naročito štap-uskličnik
koji je ustvari štap-štipaljka
što veže vertikalno zemlju i ruku
njihova obostrana kliješta
u kojima si me voljela.

© Damir Šodan



I wonder whether I’ll ever have a cane
that blind men old men gentlemen use
a cane I can test the ice with like Yeats
or tap on the sidewalk, scare bugs
and pigeons when the disquieted times
come, those gaunt old downhill years
I’ll need that cane
something of a cane of rosewood or
some other wood, a cane of pastimes
and even an exclamation cane
which is indeed a clothespin of a cane
joining the earth to a hand,
their interlocking pair of pliers
where you loved me once.

Translated by Stephen M. Dickey