[Min familj anlände hit i en marxistisk idétradition]

Min familj anlände hit i en marxistisk idétradition

Min mor fyllde genast huset med prydnadstomtar
Vägde plastgranens för- och nackdelar mot varandra
som om problemet vore hennes

På dagarna skiljde hon mellan långa och korta vokaler
som om ljuden som kom ur hennes mun
kunde tvätta olivoljan ur huden

Min mor lät blekmedlet rinna genom syntaxen
På andra sidan skiljetecknet blev hennes stavelser vitare
än en norrländsk vinter

Min mor byggde oss en framtid av livskvantitet
I förortsvillans källarförråd radade hon upp konservburkar
som inför ett krig

På kvällarna letade hon recept och skalade potatis
som om det var hennes historia som fanns chiffrerad
i Janssons frestelse

Tänk att jag sög på de brösten
Tänk att hon stoppade sitt barbari i min mun

© Athena Farrokhzad
录制: Rámus., 2013

[My family arrived here in a Marxist tradition]

My family arrived here in a Marxist tradition

My mother immediately filled the house with Santa knick-knacks
Weighed the pros and cons of the plastic Christmas tree
as if the problem were hers

During the day she distinguished between long and short vowels
as if the sounds that came out of her mouth
could wash the olive oil from her skin

My mother let bleach run through her syntax
On the other side of punctuation her syllables became whiter
than a winter in Norrland

My mother built us a future consisting of quantity of life
In the suburban basement she lined up canned goods
as if preparing for a war

In the evenings she searched for recipes and peeled potatoes
As if it were her history inscribed
in the Jansson’s temptation casserole

To think that I sucked at those breasts
To think that she put her barbarism in my mouth

Translated from Swedish by Jennifer Hayashida