Jordi Julià i Garriga


Anna Crowe


Quan siguis trista

Contra W. B. Yeats

Quan siguis trista i grassa i ja no et mirin
els obrers en passar, i els pits et pengin,
i quan molt vella els néts no et reconeguin
el vesc dolç del teu cos, la pell de lliri

(que va atrapar tants homes, i una dona),
si els ensenyes les fotos, vora el foc,
no els parlis mai de mi, deixa’m a fora
del teu passat: furtiu d’un vedat clos.

No t’enyoris als llibres que vas viure
ni, pel que hauria estat, sentis cap pena:
ja no viuríem junts, no em parlaries,
ni hauries llegit mai aquest poema.

© Igitur
从: Gent forastera
Igitur, 2012
录制: Catalunya Ràdio / 2018

When you are sad

Alter W. B. Yeats

When you are sad and fat and workmen no longer
look at you as you pass, and your breasts droop,
and when you are ancient and the grandchildren fail
to recognise the sweet lure, the lily skin

(that caught so many men, and one woman),
when you show them the photos, beside the fire,
don’t speak to them of me, leave me out
of your past: a poacher in a walled reserve.

Don’t you be pining for the books you lived
or feel regret for all that might have been:
by then we’d no longer be together, you’d not
be speaking to me, nor ever have read this poem.

Translated by Anna Crowe. Six Catalan Poets: Arc Publications, 2013.