Tomica Bajsić


Damir Šodan



čovjek hoda mirnije prema noći
                                                       koji u svom srcu nosi mnoge ponoći
                                                                                        Edvin Rolfe

kojiput mi se čini da živim posuđeno vrijeme
moji prijatelji mrtvi rasuti po grobljima
izbrisani s ploče nijedan nije dohvatio tridesetu
ti ljudi s kojima sam dijelio kruh
spavao u istim bunkerima hodao kroz istu
travu i noć penjao se na tenkovima i padao
licem u zemlju pritisnut mecima i granatama
(o slatka mirna zemlja koja poznaješ naše molitve)
njihovi duhovi sada dolaze u posljednjim glasovima:
ima li još soka? pita jedan koji će poginuti napadajući
čuvaj mi brata kaže drugi koga će ubiti tenk
treći se pokušava sjetiti tko je i odakle dolazi
dok mu se mozak polako gasi (pogođen je u glavu)
što ima tamo? pita četvrti i steže čašu bevande
pogleda uprtog u brda u kojima ga čeka zasjeda
a peti šuti ali njegove oči mogu reći:

kojiput mi se čini da sam prekinuo lanac
probudim se u noći bez zraka kroz
otvoreni prozor šumi četrnaest katova
(iz drvenih sanduka penje se miris spaljenog mesa)
Krist Iskupitelj je uvijek svježa rana u crnim oblacima
električne krijesnice jurcaju i proklinju i slave
vrijeme kada su se svinje hranile ljudima
ima dolje jedna kuća koja je prije sto godina bila plava
a sada nema krova i prozori su joj otvorene duplje
iznutra je ruševina ali čudno noću oživi
zaboravljeni balkoni pune se cvijećem i svjetlošću
okrugle crnkinje u turbanima naslanjaju se na
zahrđalu ogradu i mali odjeci njihova razgovora
šapuću da je tristo tisuća ljudi mrtvo na onim poljima
gdje su moje čizme ostale bez đonova
gdje su moje oči potonule u blato svemira a
srce mi je kao željezno uže otkinuto od sidra
prozviždalo kroz zrak u slijepim krugovima:
                                                bez cilja, bez cilja.

© Tomica Bajsić
从: Južni križ
Goranovo proljeće, 1998
录制: Tomislav Krevzelj, Udruga radio mreza 2011


Sometimes it seems as if I'm living on borrowed time
my friends are dead and scattered across graveyards
wiped of the slate just like that, none of them even thirty
those people I used to break bread with
those people I slept in the same bunkers with
those people I walked the same grass with, climbing onto tanks and falling down
hitting my face against the ground showered with bullets and shells
(oh sweet quiet earth you know our prayers)
their ghosts still come back with the last of the echoing voices:
is there more juice? asks one who will die in an attack
take care of my brother, says another who will be killed by tank
the third one is trying to remember who he is and where he's coming from
while his brain slowly switches off (he'd been hit in the head)
what's over there? asks the fourth clutching a glass of red watered wine
his gaze fixed over the hill where an ambush has already been set up for him
and a fifth is silent but his eyes are able to pronounce:

sometimes it feels as if I'd broken off the chain
I wake up in the middle of the night gasping for air
hearing the hum of fourteen storeys through the open window
(the smell of burnt flesh rising out of wooden caskets)
Christ the Redeemer is a lasting fresh wound among the black clouds
electric fireflies scurry, curse and celebrate
the time when pigs fed on human flesh
down there is a house that once, a hundred years ago, used to be blue
now it is a roofless ruin with frameless windows like empty eye sockets
the inside is all wrecked but somehow at night it becomes alive
the forgotten balconies fill up with flowers and light
while round black women with turbans lean against
corroded fence and tiny echoes of their conversation
whisper that there are three hundred thousand dead people on those fields
where my boots lost their soles
where my eyes drowned into the mud of the universe
where my heart was like an iron rope cut off from its anchor
whizzing through the air in blind circles:
aimless, aimless.

Translated by Damir Šodan