Dubravka Djurić


Kill Yourself with an Objet D'art


Choose a heavy one shaped like (a) your first ride in a car or (b) the Hitchcock leg-of-lamb, served at dinner to the unsuspecting detective. Or a light objet d'art, (c) an ice cube in whose reflection is suggested the history of the subconscious.

Now choose a forehead, yours to be exact. Where your hand intersects the mirror-image forehead, strike the blow. If (a) has been your instrument, you will feel run over but sincere; if you chose (b) you will feel theatrical. (C) as you know, was Freud's preference in moments of despair.

If none of these objects appeal to you, consider the following technique: Serve as executor to a millionaire-idiot. He'll gladly leave you trifles and before you know, you'll be the owner of possibilities: a Max Ernst bed equipped with guillotine, a Picasso whose lips are razorblades, a Goya with personal angels, black and familiar.

© Maxine Chernoff
录制: Interim


Izaberi neki tvrdi, oblikovan (a) kao tvoja prva vo-znja kolima ili (b) kao Hickokova jagnjeca nozica, posluzena za veceru jednom detektivu na koga se no sumnja. Ili jedan svetli objet d'art, (c) kao lederm kocka u cijem odsjaju je sugerisana istorija podsve-sti.

Sada izaberi, sasvim precizno, sopstveno celo. Tamo gde tvoja ruka preseca sliku cela u ogledalu, izne nadi vetar. Ako je u pitanju (a) tvoje orude, oseti-ces da si pregazen, ali iskren; ako ga izaberes osetices se teatralno; (c) kao sto znas, bio je in objekt kome se sam Frojd prepustao kada je olinjmi.

Ali ako se pred tobom ne pojavi nijedan od ovilt objekata, razmotri sledecu tehniku: budi dzelal >.oljl milionera-kretena. On ce ti rado prepustili silnioo, i pre nego sto shvatis, imaees mogucnosti: Knihlm krevet sa giljotinom, Pikasovu zenu cije su leti, jednog Goju sa licnim andelima, tanmim i |iti znatim.

Prevela: Dubravka Djurić