X. [Ég dó en nú lifi ég um ]

Ég dó en nú lifi ég um
                                    aldir alda
                        og ég hef til þess lykla dauðans og heljar

                                    Rita þú nú það er þú sérð:

Ungbörn sem gubba móðurmjólkinni
            það er kvef í köldu lofti
                                                          og sólljósar hægðir

                                    Réttast væri að draga
                                                 úr fátækt
                       og hlekkja þessa mótmælendur
                                   við vegg
                                                við grátmúra
                                                                       við brjóstþil

                       Ég á hlutdeild með yður í þrengingunni,
                                               ríkinu              &          þolgæðinu

                       Ég þekki verkin þín
                                    Þú ert lifandi í nafninu en samt dauður

© Eirikur Örn Norddahl
录制: Literaturwerkstatt Berlin 2010

X. [I died but now I live for]

I died but now I live for
                                    ages of ages
                  and hold the keys of hell and death

                                 Write now what you see:

Infants regurgitating their mother's milk
           there's a common cold in the air
                                                          and sunlit stool

                                      Rightly we should reduce
                        and chain these protesters
                                      to walls of houses
                                                    wailing walls

                        I am with you in the oppression,
                                               the kingdom       &    the perseverance

                        I know your work
                                   You are alive in name and yet dead

Translation: Eiríkur Örn Norðdahl