X. [Er teikning til af sveltandi barni]

Er teikning til af sveltandi barni
                                                taktu afrit af rifjahylkjum
                                    nætursöltuð strjúpagrjón

                        fleygðu innkaupalistum í bremsuförin og geisp
            hvernig Ísland getur orðið ríkasta land í heimi
á meðan enn eru fiskar á krónunni

                                                Starfsmenn Stjórnarráðsins hafa nú
                                                fengið sér að borða og samkvæmt
                                                blaðamanni á staðnum má álykta út frá
                                                lyktinni að það sé Kínamatur

© Eirikur Örn Norddahl
录制: Literaturwerkstatt Berlin 2010

X.[Exists a drawing of a starving child]

Exists a drawing of a starving child
                                    make copies of rib-cages
                           night-salted gullet-rice

                  throw shopping-lists into the skidmarks and yawn
         how can Iceland become the world's richest nation
while there's still fish on the currency

                                                     The employees of the Government
                                                     Offices have now eaten and according to
                                                     a journalist present from the smell we
                                                     can assume it's chinese food.

Translation: Eiríkur Örn Norðdahl