Ethel Barja 




Insomnio 西班牙文

翻译: de

to poem

transpoem 西班牙文

翻译: de

to poem

oxidente 西班牙文

翻译: de

to poem

wandeo 西班牙文

翻译: de

to poem

vigilia 西班牙文

翻译: de

to poem

Travesía invertebrada 西班牙文

翻译: de

to poem

Ethel Barja 

Foto © private
* 18.11.1988, Junín, 秘鲁
居住于:Providence, Rhode Island, 美国

Ethel Barja (1988, Peru) is the author of Trofeo imaginado entre dientes (2011), Insomnio vocal (2016) and Gravitaciones (2013, 2017). Her poems have been published in the anthology Voces al norte de la cordillera: Antología de voces andinas en los Estados Unidos (2016) and the journals Madera, Los Bárbaros and Hostos Review.
There are translations of her works into English, French, Catalan and Portuguese. She studied linguistics and literature at the Pontificia Universidad Católica in Peru and Hispanic literature at the University of Illinois in Chicago. She currently lives in Providence (USA) and holds a PhD from the University of Brown in Hispanic Studies. She directs Gociterra, a digital platform for literature, literary criticism and translation.

 Foto © private
  • Trofeo imaginado entre dientes

    SENAJU, 2011

  • Gravitaciones

    Paracaídas Editores, 2013

  • Insomnio vocal

    Alastor, 2016

  • Gociterra

    Criticopoesis by Ethel Barja, Web portal for criticism and creation