Ester Xargay 




Tocant a J. V. Foix en Aikús Ensextinats 加泰罗尼亚文

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Plecs encoblats 加泰罗尼亚文

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Cel ·la de Sorra 加泰罗尼亚文

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Som-n’hi a l’altre pel mateix 加泰罗尼亚文

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Hi havia una vegada 加泰罗尼亚文

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Daltabaix d’una sextina 加泰罗尼亚文

Versos desfermats en terra ferma 加泰罗尼亚文

Emmoscada 加泰罗尼亚文

Ester Xargay 

Foto ©
* 12.04.1960, Sant Feliu de Guíxols , 西班牙
居住于:, 西班牙

Ester Xargay, born in 1960 in Sant Feliu de Guíxols, is a writer and video poet.
She believes language is literature and a visual concept that seeks to explore using phonetics and music and through combinations of text, graphics and sounds. Xargay plays with semantics and words. She pushes language to the limit of experimentation and often comes close to the stances of the poetry that tradition, especially the French tradition, has described as damned.
Xargay participates in poetic research of an extremely diverse nature and also works as a video maker and as a translator of Adrian, Todorov, Pascal, Queneau and other authors.
In her literary poetry, which she combines with her video poetry, she identifies with writers such as Marcel Duchamp, Laurie Anderson, Joan Brossa and Benet Rossell, who also establish a close connection between visual art and text.
Using interdisciplinary media, Xargay attempts to forge new approaches and artistic codes. Video, a completely open and unpredictable network of languages, is the medium she uses as the basis for her questioning about art, the artist and the recipient, and even for social and political critique.

 Foto ©
  • Els àngels soterrats

    Barcelona: Cafè Central, 1990

  • Darrere les tanques

    Palma de Mallorca: El Tall Editorial, 2000

  • Éssera ponent

    Lleida: Morphosi, 2005

  • Un pedrís de mil estones, (co-written with Carles Hac Mor)

    Tarragona: Edicions El Mèdol, 1993

  • Les flaires del galliner

    Albert Ferrer Editor, 1993

  • Volts en el temps

    La cèl·lula, 1997

  • Epítom infranu o no (co-written with Carles Hac Mor)

    Lleida: Pagès Editors, 1997

  • Trenca-Sons

    Llibres del segle, 2002

  • Ainalar

    Barcelona: Café Central, 2005

  • Salflorvatge

    Barcelona: March Editors, 2006

  • Fissura

    Barcelona: Edicions 1010, 2008

  • Aürt

    Lleida: Pagès Editors, 2009

  • Eixida al sostre

    Tarragona: Arola Editors, 2009

  • Infinitius

    Palma de Mallorca: Lleonard Muntaner Editors, 2017

  • Desintegrar-se

    Premi de Poesia Cadaqués a Rosa Leveroni 2018

    Barcelona: Editorial Meteora, 2019

  • 1999 Premi de creació audiovisual de Navarra

  • 2000 Premi Espais a la Crítica d’art
