



[olhos nos olhos, sem dar sermão] 葡萄牙文

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to poem

[quando o orvalho seca] 葡萄牙文

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to poem

[come o que te dão !] 葡萄牙文

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to poem

[tomado de emoção forte] 葡萄牙文

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to poem

[sem braços, sem pernas, sem moedas num pote] 葡萄牙文

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to poem

[alguém, alguém tem que pagar pra catraca girar] 葡萄牙文

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to poem

[quando o orgulho fere o orgulho ferido] 葡萄牙文

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to poem

[o número daquele barraco identifica aquele pobre coitado] 葡萄牙文

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to poem

[amor será que existe ?] 葡萄牙文

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[tanto barro pra amassar] 葡萄牙文

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to poem


Foto © Robert Astley
* 05.09.1975, São Paulo, 巴西
居住于:São Paulo, 巴西

Criolo was born in São Paulo on September 5th, 1975, in the commercial hub of São Paulo, the 'Favela das Imbuias', one of the many shanty towns that girdle the city. Since the age of 11, Criolo concentrated on his love for rap, releasing his debut album ‘‘Ainda Há Tempo’’ in 2006. This led to a reputation as one of the most important rappers in São Paulo. His second album, “Nó na Orelha”, issued in Brazil in 2011 and internationally in 2012, saw his popularity grow beyond São Paulo and Brazil to other countries, leading to live shows in London, New York and Paris. In 2011 “Nó na Orelha” won Best Album at the Brazilian Music Video Awards. In 2014, he participated in the poesiefestival berlin. 

 Foto © Robert Astley