Adam Borzič 




O čem jsem psal, já Lorenzo Medicejský 捷克文

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K čemu jsou vykladači vidění? 捷克文

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Ibn Arabí potkává Ibn Rušda 捷克文

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[Vesmír je dnes jen toto jediné místo…] 捷克文

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Orfické gesto: esej 捷克文

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Adam Borzič 

Foto © Ondřej Lipár
* 14.05.1978, Prague, 捷克共和国
居住于:Prague, 捷克共和国

Adam Borzič is a Czech poet, essayist, psychotherapist and chief editor of the literary magazine Tvar. He grew up in Croatia near Split. He studied theology and psychoterapy. Together with Kamil Bouška and Petr Řehák, he founded the poetic group Fantasía. Together, they published a self-titled book (Dauphin, 2008). In their public readings as well as their manifesto, the group aimed at connecting imagination and political engagement. Fantasía cooperated with many artists including musicians, dancers and performers. Separately, Borzič the following books of poems: Rozevírání (Opening, Dauphin, 2011), Počasí v Evropě (Weather in Europe, Malvern, 2013 – nomination for Magnesia Litera 2014), and Orfické linie (Orphic lines, Malvern, 2015). His poems were five times included in the anthology of Best Czech Poems (2010, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2017) and translated to English, Russian, Serbian, Croatian, Romanian, Portuguese and Polish.

 Foto © Ondřej Lipár