Brian Currid


[Nicht ich bin es...]

Nicht ich bin es, sondern die werdende Maschine in mir, gegen
die ich mich wehre durch Unterlegenheit. Sie kämpft mit der Natur, die mich ausmacht. Schweißausbrüche, das Zittern der Hände
am Beginn einer neuen Bekanntschaft. Ich weiß nicht, ob ich mich
retten könnte. Das, was der Kampf mir an Substanzen entzieht,
das wäre zu retten. Jenes kleine, kristalline Gebilde zum
Beispiel, das mit Inhalt jongliert.

© Suhrkamp Verlag Frankfurt am Main 2005
Iz: Halbschlaf. Tag Nacht Gedanken.
Zeichnungen von Regen Wachsmuth
Frankfurt am Main: Suhrkamp Verlag , 2005
ISBN: 3-518-12380-7
Avdio produkcija: 2005, M.Mechner / Literaturwerkstatt Berlin

[It's not me, ...]

It is not me, but the machine in me in the course of becoming, against which I am defending myself with submissiveness. It is struggling with the nature that makes me what I am. Outbreaks of sweating, the shaking of the hands at the start of new acquaintance. I do not know whether I would be able to save myself. The substance that the struggle is depriving me of, that could be saved. That small, crystalline structure, for instance, that is juggling with content.

Translated by Catherine Hales

- -  - alternativ - - -

It's not me, but the nascent machine in me, against which I defend myself by inferiority. It struggles with the nature that constitutes me. Breaking into a sweat, hands shaking with the advent of a new acquaintance. I don't know if I could save myself. What the struggle devours of me in terms of substance, that could be saved. That small, crystalline structure, for example, that juggles with content.

Translated by Brian Currid