Črni scenariji

Ta človek na mostu je vedno tam.
Zaposlen s poskušanjem, da bi izprosil kaj denarja,
od nas, ki smo ga izprosili iz skladov
in ga nehote razdajamo. Stalno je april
in vsak dan smo prvega. Po navadi mesto
nastopi s kako urgentnostjo. Rešilec na nujni vožnji,
tiranija prihrankov v rokah tatov,
rdeča nit se prekine s strelom
in treba je na začetek.

A če je to šala, potem je slaba.
Veliko praznih flaš in polnih kant,
z iglami prebodeni poldnevniki,
v zenitu so vse ljubezni večne, na negativu nerazbolene,
zamenjane. Potem vsak hlipa sam
in čez njegovo ležišče zabrije veter,
zvali se v posteljo, narejeno iz ostankov,
pobaše, česar niso požrli psi,
pije vodo iz občudovane fontane.

Na pol tukaj, na pol z mislimi drugje,
tako živim na cesti, na prekletem dežju,
v tej plundri in blatu, prisluškujem izlivu kanalizacije.
Zaudarjam, spomnim se malo, za nohti imam črno,
od sebe dajem največ, kar lahko.

© Primož Čučnik
Iz: Delo in dom
Ljubljana: Lud Literatura, 2007
Avdio produkcija: 2008 Literaturwerkstatt Berlin

Black scenarios

This man on the bridge, he’s always there.

Busy trying to swindle us out of our money

as we swindled it out of various funds,

unintentionally giving it away. It’s April

all the time, every day the first. Usually

the city makes its appearance with some emergency.

An ambulance on urgent drive,

tyranny of savings in the hands of thieves,

a shot breaks the red thread,

and back to the beginning.

If this is a joke, it’s a bad one.

Plenty of empty bottles and stuffed trash cans,

meridians pierced with needles,

all loves are eternal in the zenith, painless on the negative,      

mistaken. Then everyone weeps by himself,

with icy wind sweeping across his resting place,

he rolls on the bed made out of leftovers,

grabs everything the dogs haven’t taken,

drinks the water out of the admired fountain.

Half here half somewhere else in thoughts,

that’s how I live on the street, in this damned rain,

in this slush and mud, eavesdropping on the canals.

I stink, I don’t remember much, there’s black behind my nails,

I give it my all.

Translated by Ana Pepelnik and Matthew Zapruder