Ivan Herceg


Damir Šodan


Put prema tebi

“Naučit ću živjeti, živjet ćemo skupa”,
ponavljali smo u sebi, svatko za sebe.
Znali smo da je tako iako se nismo gledali,
a zatim kao po naredbi ušli u more
do ramena i počeli ga ljubiti
u krug oko sebe, oko svijeta.

Polako sam putovao prema tebi,
gledao te kao lijepu plašljivu seljanku
u haljini lyonskih krojača, kraljicu Indije,
slušao kako iz tebe progovara
okrutna Jeanne d'Arc i kuler Sai Baba.

Polako si mi se približavala, mjerkala me
kao tihog filigranara planeta i sunaca,
okruženog kartama, kutomjerima i daljinom,
prihvaćala kao nekoga tko je mogao biti
Galileo Galilei ili Hieronymus Bosch.
Naučit ću umrijeti, umrijet ćemo skupa,
kao po naredbi ući ćemo u more
i vrtjeti se u krug, tonuti, moliti,  
sanjati pod vodom, slušati jedno drugo,
šutjeti jedno za drugo, mrziti se
zbog dubine koja će nas izobličiti.

© Ivan Herceg
Iz: Nepravilnosti
V.B.Z. Zagreb, 2007


"I will learn to live, we will live together",
we kept repeating inside each for himself.  
We knew that was the case although we did not look at each other.
Then, as if upon an order, we entered the sea
up to our shoulders and began kissing it
all around ourselves, around the world.

I journeyed slowly towards you
watching you as a beautiful timid village woman
in a dress made by Lyon tailors, like the queen of India,
as I listened to cruel Jeanne d'Arc and the cool Sai Baba
speaking out of you.

You approached me slowly, eying me
as a quiet filigree maker of planets and suns,
surrounded with maps, rectangles and distance,
accepting me as someone who might have been
Galileo Galilei or Hieronymus Bosch.

I will learn to die, we will die together.
As if upon an order we shall enter the sea.
Inside we shall reel and drown and pray
and dream under the water, listening to each other,
keeping silent for each other, hating each other
because of that depth that will disfigure us.

Translated by Damir Šodan