Monika Herceg


Marina Veverec


Definicija pjesnikinje

Kontrolna točka je ponoć, pisat ću o tome kako
nam je prije nekoliko godina upala u juhu ta imenica
koja je ogolila Pepeljugu, pisat ću o izmišljanju djetinjstva
u deset kvadrata, o svježim krastavcima na sniženju,
gorkom okusu u kojem smo se kupali
kao da će nas nahraniti ljetom

Pružaš mi vrhnje, u hladnoći se utapa zelenilo,
naši prvi krastavci nakon rata, ali malo se sjećam
Ti mi prepričavaš da sam bila brbljava i nezasitna,
da nisam znala reći hvala ili prestati,
da smo od gladi za svježim povrćem
umanjili noć i sjeli joj u krilo kao mačići

Moji su strahovi uvijek bili jednako obojani vapnom,
izjedajući, utišani ponori
Sav taj mrak koji sam držala u kosi padao je u obroke,
nisi ga znala počešljati, nisi ga znala iscijediti,
a ja sam godinama mislila da je dno blizu,
uvijek u beskonačnom padu

U zadnje vrijeme prije sna
u mene navali ono more
koje smo jednom upoznali
Imam kupaći s delfinima koji mogu pojesti
sve zlonamjerne poglede iz dubine
Prestravljena sam spoznajom
da sam daleko od obale,
da sam točka usred plave
i nikad se neću obraniti
od velikog prostora

Još uvijek ponekad prije pjesme
plutam u mokrom mraku
za koji mi se čini
da je bilo koji komad ponoći
u kojoj se lako prevari glad,
ali nikada ne odustajem
od pokušaja da se
o apsolutno ništa

© Monika Herceg
Iz: Lovostaj.
Zagreb: Jesenski i Turk, 2019
Avdio produkcija: Croatian P.E.N. Centre

The Definition of a Poet

The checkpoint is midnight, I will write of how,
a few years back, we had dropped that noun in our soup
the one that stripped Cinderella down, I will write of dreaming up childhood
in a hundred square feet; of fresh cucumbers on sale,
the bitter taste we swam in
as if it would feed us summer

You are passing me the sour cream, the green submerging in the chill,
our first cucumbers after the war, I can only remember that much
You are telling me that I used to be chatty and insatiable,
that I’d never known how to say thank you or to stop,
that with our hunger for fresh vegetables
we had shrunken the night and sat in its lap like kittens

My fears were always evenly coated in lime,
the consuming, silenced sinking holes
All the darkness I carried in my hair was falling into meals;
you didn’t know how to brush it, how to squeeze it out
and for years I had thought the bottom was near,
it had always been an endless fall

Lately, before I fall asleep
that sea we once got to meet
engulfs me
The dolphins on my swimsuit can eat
any malevolent gaze from the depths
I’m terrified knowing
the shore is too far off,
I am a dot amid the blue,
and I’ll never fend off
the vast space

Sometimes before the poem begins
I’m still drifting at the wet darkness
that could easily
be any chunk of midnight
in which it is easy to trick hunger,
though I never gave up
to push myself
against nothing at all

Translated by Marina Veverec