Yolanda Castaño


Lawrence Schimel



Non me dixo
se che contase o repugnante que encontro a túa boca,
o charco das túas hormonas pringosas e clamantes.
Preferiría meter os dedos nun cable de alta voltaxe
que a miña cara na redondez irrespirable das túas tetas.
Non me dixo
así me caia enriba agora mesmo unha pía de lastras
antes ca a responsabilidade das túas noites de febre,
que corra o aire entre a miña vertical
e o pastel de xenxibre das túas ganas.
Prefiro alfinetes nas cuncas dos ollos
mellor ca a xelatina das túas debilidades.
Non me dixo fuck off, non me dixo vete
a la mierda
Prefiro unha dor de ouvidos, un puño na boca do estómago.
Repúgname o fragor tan rural da túa fame,
escoitar berrar as túas coxas
coma bacoriños rosados abertos a machadas.

el non me dixo.

© Yolanda Castaño
Iz: A segunda lingua
Santiago de Compostella: PEN Clube de Galicia, 2014
Avdio produkcija: Literaturwerkstatt Berlin, 2015


I wasn't told
I can't tell you how repulsive your mouth is to me,
that puddle of demanding sticky hormones.
I'd rather poke my fingers into an electric socket
than stick my face into the oppressive roundness of your boobs.
I wasn't told
I'd rather be buried under a ton of bricks
than under the responsibility for your feverish nights,
I need a ten foot pole between my uprightness
and the spicy cake of your eagerness.
I'd rather have pins stuck into my eyeballs
than to sip the gelatin of your weaknesses.
I wasn't told fuck off, I wasn't told vete
a la mierda.
I'd rather have an earache, get punched in the stomach,
I am repulsed by the redneck ruckus of your hunger,
hearing your thighs squeal
like pinkish suckling pigs split open by axes.
He simply
didn't tell me.

Translation: Lawrence Schimel