Ivana Bodrožić


Damir Šodan



Voljela bih posaditi nešto da raste,
da bude puno sokova, crveno da se razmazuje po cesti.

Da ima svoj početak, tvrdo, duguljasto sjeme
koje se može valjati između kažiprsta i palca,
kotrljati po vlažnom dlanu,
kojemu treba
toliko i toliko
i znaš da će rasti, pojavit će se zeleni vrh, probiti sivilo sjemena,
i sve ono kako već ide u dokumentarcima
koje su snimali s onim minijaturnim kamerama,
pa listovi,
pa sve deblja stabljika,
pa čudo pupova,
onda one tajne ljubavi i smrti,
uzimanja, oprašivanja, opadanja
pa na kraju
koža koja puca pod zubima, okus, precizno određen kao višnja
ili posve drugačije kao jabuka,
bez nijansi između
ili ili
voljela bih tako posaditi nešto da raste,
umorna sam od rasplinutih stanja, nijansi koje život znače
neprestanog i jeste i nije
i može biti i ne mora,
i bit će sigurno i možda nikada neće.

Samo kap višnjina soka u grlu,
mislim, spasila bih se.

© Ivana Bodrožić
Iz: In a sentimental mood
Zagreb: Sandorf, 2017
Avdio produkcija: Haus für Poesie, 2021


I'd like to plant something that grows,
let it be full of red juices so you can smear the street with it.

Let it have its own beginning, its own hard, elongated seeds
that can be rolled between thumb and forefinger,
sliding down a moist palm,
something that needs
a certain amount
of earth,
and light,
so you know it will continue growing, sprouting a green shoot, piercing through
the greyness of the seed,
exactly like in those documentaries
they were shooting with the miniature cameras –
first the leaves,
then the ever-thickening stem,
then the miracle of budding,
followed by the mysteries of love and death,
appropriation, pollination, dropping to the ground,
and finally
the skin tearing under your teeth, its taste,
precisely defined as cherry
or altogether different like apple,
with no nuances in between
either or
I'd love to plant something that grows,
for I'm tired of all this dissipation, the life-defining nuances,
the incessant yes and no
the could-be and not-necessarily-so
the sure-it-will-happen and maybe-it-never-will.

Just a drop of cherry juice in my throat,
I think, and I’d be saved.

Translated by Damir Šodan