Anja Golob


Tadeja Spruk



To se mi sanja: žival ima prste.
Leži na boku, gledam jo s hrbta,
glavo sklanja naprej, kot da je
plašna, in rahlo ritmično niha.
Z mehaničnimi, praznimi gibi
brska po raztrganini, prsti pozorno
prebirajo tkivo in iščejo žile.
Eno po eno izdirajo, da jih je lažje prijeti –
žile so tenke, a čvrste, kot žice v električnem vezju –
in jih s težavo pretrgajo, drugo za drugo.
Žival dela neslišno, je skoraj negibna, počasi
in temeljito prekinja dovode utripanja srcu,
ki se ječé zapira, kakor žival zastira zavese zenic.
Prostor krog nje je izpraznjen, namočen v mlako
polzeče krvi, nad katero nima in noče več oblasti.
Plašč njene kože je razpet na skelet kot mlahav
šotor v pomladnem vetru, pred katerim ležijo
kot nametana prtljaga nasedli organi.
Hlastavo diha žival (telo je mašina), prisluhne,
skrči se, obnemore, stegne zariple prste od sebe
in zmagoslavno otrpne.

© Anja Golob
Ljubljana: Mladinska knjiga, 2013
Avdio produkcija: Literaturwerkstatt Berlin, 2015


I've had this dream: an animal has fingers.
It rests on its side, I observe it from the back,
Its head is bent forward as though it were
Timid, and it rocks back and forth in light rhythm.
With blank, mechanical motions
It rummages through the rupture, its fingers
Carefully sorting the tissue and looking for veins.
They pluck them one by one to make them easier to hold –
the veins are thin, but sturdy, like the wires inside of an electrical network –
and tear them strenuously, one after the other.
The animal works soundlessly, it's almost immobile, slowly
And thoroughly it cuts the intake of pulsation to the heart
That's closing whimperingly, like the veil of an animal's pupil parts.
The space around it is emptied, drenched in a pool
Of the slithering blood it cannot and wants no longer to control.
The coat of its skin is stretched on the skeleton like a tent
Flaccid in the springtide breeze, in its front like scattered luggage the stranded organs lie.
The animal gasps for air (the body is a machine), it listens,
Contracts, shrivels, extends its inflamed fingers,
And it freezes triumphantly.

Translated by Tadeja Spruk