Josep Palau i Fabre


D. Sam Abrams


Jo em donaria a qui em volgués

Jo em donaria a qui em volgués
com si ni jo me n'adonés
d'aquest donar-me: com si ho fes
un jo de mi que m'ignorés.

Jo em donaria a qui es donés
a canvi meu per sempre més:
que res de meu no me'n quedés
en el no meu que jo en rebés.

Jo em donaria per un bes,
per un de sol, prô que besés
i del besat em desbesés.

Jo em donaria a qui em volgués
com si ni jo me n'adonés:
com una almoina que se'm fes.

© Fundació Palau
Iz: Poemes de l'Alquimista
Avdio produkcija: Catalunya Ràdio

I’d give myself to whoever cared

I’d give myself to whoever cared,
as if not even I happened to notice
this giving myself; as if it were done
by a me of myself I simply ignored.

I’d give myself to one who did the same
in exchange for me forever more:
that nothing of myself would remain
in the non-I I chanced to receive.

I’d give myself for just a kiss,
one single kiss, that would kiss
and from the kissed unkiss me.

I’d give myself to whoever cared
as if not even I happened to notice:
like a coin given to me in charity.

22-23 October, 1940

Translated by Sam D. Abrams