Salvador Espriu


Louis J. Rodrigues


Llibre dels morts

Mira que passes sense saviesa
pel vell camí fressat, tan sols un cop,
i que la veu de sobte cridarà
el secret nom que porta en tu la mort.
No tornaràs. Recorda, no t’apartis,
mentre fas via, del que tan senzill
és d’estimar: aquest blat i la casa,
el blanc senyal de barca dins el mar,
el lent or de l’hivern ajaçat a les vinyes,
l’ombra d’un arbre damunt l’ample camp.
Oh, sobretot estima la sagrada
vida de l’arbre i la remor del vent
a les branques que s’alcen vers la llum!

© Sebastià Bonet Espriu
El caminant i el mur, 1954
Avdio produkcija: Biblioteca Nacional de Catalunya

Book of the dead

Mark how you shall pass unwise
along the old worn path, but once,
and how the voice will, of a sudden, cry
the secret name accorded you in death.
You will not return. Remember not to stray,
as you go forward, from what is
so simple to love: this wheat, this house,
the white speck of a boat at sea,
slow winter’s gold, in vineyards, put to sleep,
the shadow of a tree across the ample field.
Oh, above all, revere the sacred life
of that tree and the murmur of the wind
in its branches that reach towards the light.

Translated by Louis J. Rodrigues. Salvador Espriu - Selected Poems: Carcanet 1997.