Joana Raspall


Jacob Rhodes


En Pol

És tant ample i vistós, l’aparador,
i tant il·luminades, les joguines,
que s’hi atura, fascinat, en Pol.
Quantes pilotes i construccions...
trens, bicicletes, dinosaures, nines...
i quantes capses de no se sap què!
Potser de màgia o de guinyol,
o de disfresses d’herois i de fades...

Dalt d’un prestatge, un ós de peluix
de grans pupil·les negres i encantades,
sembla que el cridi; l’invita a jugar
prop de la nina de galtes rosades
i llargues trenes de color de sol.
Ell, de bon grat pensa que hi jugaria!,
però la mare diu que és massa gran
per divertir-se amb ossos i nines.
-Què vol dir massa gran?- rumia en Pol.

© Hereus Joana Raspall C.B.
Iz: El meu món de poesia
Vilanova i la Geltrú: El cep i la nansa, 2011
Avdio produkcija: El cep i la nansa


It’s so wide and delightful to look at, this shop window,
and they light up so brightly, these toys,
that young Pol, fascinated, stops and stares.
So many balls and buildings…
trains, bikes, dinosaurs, dolls…
and, my oh my, the sheer quantity of mystery boxes!
Perhaps they’re for a magic or puppet show
or disguises of heroes and fairies…

On top of a shelf, a teddy bear
has such spellbinding pupils for eyes, both large and black,
that they seem to be calling out; calling him over to play
close by to the doll with rosy cheeks
and long plaits beaming the sun’s hues.
He would quite happily play along!
yet his mother says he is now too old
to still be playing with bears and dolls.
-What does too old mean?- muses little Pol.

Translated by Jacob Rhodes