Joana Raspall


Jacob Rhodes


Les paraules

Si al bosc tinguéssim set,
quina font buscaríem?
La de l’aigua més clara,
més viva i més brillant.
I de l’arbre fruiter,
quina peça voldríem?
La més madura i dolça,
Suau al paladar.
I quin ramell de flors
a l’amor donaríem?
El de colors més bells,
més fresc i perfumat.
Per als amics i amigues,
¿no triarem paraules
entre les més boniques
que al món s’han inventat?

No volem l’aigua bruta,
ni la fruita tarada,
ni fer rams d’esbarzers...
i en la nostra conversa
volem belles paraules
i no pas mots grollers.

© Hereus Joana Raspall C.B.
Iz: El meu món de poesia
Vilanova i la Geltrú: El cep i la nansa, 2011
Avdio produkcija: El cep i la nansa

The Words

Should we find ourselves thirsty in the woods,
which fount would we look for?
The one with the cleanest water,
alive and gleaming.
And from the fruiting tree,
which piece would we like?
The ripest and sweetest,
soft on the palate.
And what bunch of flowers
should we give to love?
The one with the prettiest colours,
the freshest and most perfumed.
Friends one and all:
should we not choose our words
from among the most beautiful
to have been invented in this world?

We neither care for dirty water,
nor spoilt fruit,
nor making bouquets from brambles…
and in our chatter
we want beautiful words
and not coarse-tongued grumbles.

Translated by Jacob Rhodes