Primož Čučnik


Ana Jelnikar, W. Martin


V tem primeru

sem prepričan, da moraš povsem
zaupati domišljiji in stezicam,
ki jih na brezpotjih ubere jezik.
On bi lahko vedel – vsekakor
pametnejši od nas, mogoče edina opora.
Ko greš skozi puščavo, rabiš vodo
in rezervne dele za motor džipa.
Vzemi torej vse, kar je v tem slovarju
in tudi česar ni. Lahko ti pride prav.
Tudi pozneje, tudi ko te ne bo več –
prividi utrinkov nad sipinami
in zvezde bodo sijale.

© Primož Čučnik
Iz: Nova okna
Ljubljana: Lud Literatura, 2005
Avdio produkcija: 2008 Literaturwerkstatt Berlin

In which case

I’m sure you absolutely have to
trust imagination and the tracks
that language takes in pathlessness.
It probably knows. In any case,
it’s smarter than we are, probably our only support.
When you walk through the desert you need water
and spare parts for the jeep.
So take everything you find in this dictionary,
and everything you don’t. You might need it.
Even later, even when you no longer are —
apparitions of comets over the dunes,
and the stars will shine on.

Translated by Ana Jelnikar and W. Martin