Primož Čučnik


Ana Jelnikar, W. Martin


Akordi II

O fant, kam drsaš, v jezi
na drsalkah ne poznaš smeri.

Je vesolje, kamor te nosi in se drsalke
več ne stikajo s tlemi pod tabo.

Ali plesalci tu na glavah plešejo
ali samo padajo
in so globoko v naglem padanju.

Drobne pike so planeti in drsalke
vsake toliko zdrsnejo z ukrivljene ploskve.

Je to ples o plesu, ali zemlja že
ves čas pleše in je tvoje drsanje le želja.

Če se premikaš s tako naglico, te sploh
še kdo ustavi, vidi sneti drsalke.  

Dober drsalec si, tvoje drsanje
je let okruškov kometa v kozmosu.

Si kdaj videl utrinke, zagledal
bliske, nenadne, zaslišal velike poke.

Je razneslo tvoj notranji, človeški glas ali
se je izustil molčečnež, ki se prej ni še nikoli.

Ah, treseš se (ko zadrsaš v praznino),
drsalke ječijo: Ne obžaluj ničesar.

© Primož Čučnik
Iz: Akordi
Ljubljana: Šerpa, 2004
Avdio produkcija: 2008 Literaturwerkstatt Berlin

Chords II

Boy, where are you skating, in your anger
you have lost your bearings.

There is a universe attracting you
and your skates take leave of the ground.

Do dancers dance on their heads here
or do they simply fall
and are deep in their fast falling.

Tiny dots are planets and the skates
every so often slide off the curved surface.

Is this a dance of dancing or has the earth
danced for all time and your skating is only a wish.

If you move with such haste, can anyone ever
stop you, see you take off your skates.

You are a fine skater, your skating
the flight of a comet's shards through the cosmos.

Did you ever see a shooting star, catch sight
of lightning, suddenly, hear big banging.

Did your inner human voice burst or
close-lipped voice for the first time.

Ah, you tremble (gliding into the void),
the skates groan: regret nothing.

Translated by Ana Jelnikar and W. Martin