Primož Čučnik


Ana Jelnikar, W. Martin


Akordi III

Ali boš zmeraj drsal sam.
Ali bo tvoje drsanje poplačano.

Drsalec, glasba rohni iz tišine
srce drži ravnotežje z drsalkami.

Ogromni liki mest te hočejo otožnega,
a ne smeš se ustaviti, da bi ujel odprto govorjenje.

In sam drsiš (kot bi nekdo drsal ob tebi),
v množici drsalcev (in vendar drsaš sam).

Kako se spreminjaš, veš, kaj je pod nebom,
kako spretne so tvoje drsalke!

Še prvi drsalec ti hoče pokazati,
kako je najhitreje drsati v vesoljnem drsališču!

Da nisi edini, so bolj tekmovalni od tebe,
a ni vsakdo v čudovitem brestju praznine.

Ali slediš nebesno smer, sledi ji, sledi,
tam je vedno kaj odločilnega.

Samo ne govori ljudem o svojem drsanju.
Ne bi verjeli, da ti nihče ne daje ravnotežja.

Ne ponavljaj v nedogled, kaj te osrečuje.
Nisi edini s skrhano drsalko.

Drsaj tako kot da drsaš v samoti.
Drsaj kot bi drsal sam.

© Primož Čučnik
Iz: Akordi
Ljubljana: Šerpa, 2009-11-13 14:16:32
Avdio produkcija: 2008 Literaturwerkstatt Berlin

Chords III

Will you always skate alone.
Will your skating pay off.

Skater, the music blusters out of silence
your heart keeps balance with the skates.

The giant shapes of cities want you melancholy,
but you can't stop to catch the open talk.

And you skate alone (as if someone was skating beside you),
in a crowd of skaters (and yet you skate alone).

How you change, you know what's under the sky,
how skilled your skates are!

Even the first skater wants to show you how to be
the fastest skater in the rink of the universe!

That you are not the only one,
that there are those more competitive,
but not everyone can be in the wonderful thicket of the void.

Are you following the sky, follow it, follow it,
there's always something momentous there.

Just don't tell people about your skating.
They wouldn't believe you kept your balance on your own.

Stop always saying what makes you happy.
You're not the only one with jagged skates.

Skate as if you were skating on your own.
Skate as if you were skating alone.

Translated by Ana Jelnikar and W. Martin