Branko Čegec


Boris Gregorić


boja bure, zanos kose

morris bi sprayem slikao piramide:
skinuo bi majicu, stavio masku i
raspalio bojom po nazubljenu kartonu:
uokolo se skupljala rulja i skandirala.
onda bi došli gutači vatre, bubnjari i nemirne djevojčice,
u predvečerje, kada se stuštila bura s druge strane zaljeva,
i kada su suncobrani poletjeli u nebo
zajedno s betonskim držačima i gostima na terasi:

yves i dabo sjedili su nasuprot,
kao i prethodne večeri:
onda se tanja premjestila jer nije mogla zauzdati kosu.
tako je zajebala moju, koja je drsko ulijetala u usta,
u pivsku pjenu,  koja je presijecala pogled prema rijetkim,
drhtavim šetaćicama na korzu

morris bi i dalje sprayem slikao piramide,
vjetar bi raznosio raznobojnu maglicu u lica promatrača
s prisilno usidrena broda,
jedan je gost na terasi preko puta naručio
ožujsko i četiri apaurina
jedna se žarulja naprasno ugasila.
tanja je rekla:  to sam bila ja;
uspijem svaki put kada to stvarno poželim.


Iz: Tamno mjesto
Avdio produkcija: Tomislav Krevzelj, Udruga radio mreza 2011

the color of the bora, the exuberance of hair

morris would spray paint the pyramids:
take off his shirt, put on a mask and
fire off with paint against the corrugated cardboard:
in twilight a mob would gather and shout
followed by the fire-eaters, the drummers and restless girls,
when the bura descended violently from the other side of the bay,
beach umbrellas would fly in to the air
together with their concrete posts and terrace guests:

yves and dabo were seated facing us,
like the previous night:
then tanja wanted to change place because she could not control her hair.
that way she fucked up mine, which brazenly flew in my mouth,
in beer froth, cutting off the view of the rare,
shivering female pedestrians on the promenade

morris still spray painted the pyramids,
the wind kept dispersing a multi-colored mist into the on-lookers faces
from the involuntarily anchored ship,
a guest on the terrace across from us ordered
a beer and four sedatives
and a light bulb went off abruptly.
tanja said: that was me;
I succeed each time I really want to succeed.

Translated by Boris Gregorić