
Medzi vrstvy, medzi naplavené materiály: prst.
Pod čierny lem plôch,
za vypuklý okraj vody na pevnom podklade –

        forma, ktorú vtláčam slovám,
        sa vzpiera
        a predsa svoj presah neúnavne vyčerpáva,
        obrusuje stuhnuté, rohovité,
čo prečnieva.


        Strach, že ju priložia inam.
        Odtlačia do úzadia.

Zem sa nepodkladá, už leží;
núkam jej formu,
neprieči sa: pohlcuje, vyrovnáva.

        Tvrdohlavá vôľa formovať a neochota nútiť
        si len zdanlivo protirečia:

        Podieľam sa,
        rovnako náhodou –
        ako hmyz darúva svoje telo hline.

© Mária Ridzoňová Ferenčuhová
Avdio produkcija: Ars Poetica


Between the layers, between the alluvial materials: a finger.
I remember.
Below the black lining of surfaces,
Beyond the convex edge of water on a solid surface –

       The form I impress on words,
       Yet, tirelessly exhausting its overlap,
       Polishing the stiff corneous,
Which overhangs.


       Fear that they will add it elsewhere.
       Side-step her.

The Earth doesn’t yield, it is already prostrate;
I offer it a form,
It wouldn’t resist: it absorbs, straightens.

       The stubborn will to form and unwillingness to coerce
       are only seemingly contradictory:

       I take part,
       Equally accidentally –
       As the insects lend their bodies to earth.

English Translation: Pavol Lukáč.
From the book: Princíp neistoty. Bratislava: Ars Poetica, 2008.