Stipe Grgas



vlak ide. vlak ide. vlak ide. vlak ide. na
rubu poljane gdje jedan mušakarac tri
žene ljubi. vlak ide. vlak ide. vlak

ide. u noć u čijem dnu rastu mali skakavci
i svjetlo dopire do tvoga oka. vlak ide.
vlak ide. vlak ide. vlak

ide. tamo gdje sebe učim misliti o svome
lijevom i svome desnom palcu. vlak ide.
o grču i podnevu. o radosti. vlak ide. vlak

ide. gdje se marija miluje vodom. i govori
poezija u prenoćištu. vlak ide. vlak ide. vlak

ide. kao napjev kaznionice. kao povijest
prostitucije. vlak ide. gdje se presvlače žena
i muškarac. vlak ide. vlak ide. vlak

ide. gdje ćeš pružiti ruku i reći brdo je
upaljeno kao tijelo. bijelo stijenje visa.
šaptat ćeš bradat kao svraka crn. vlak

ide. šaptat ćeš kao ljubavnik sa srednjim
prstom u ženi koja hoće te. vlak ide. vlak
ide. vlak ide. vlak ide. vlak

ide. na rubu poljane gdje jedan muškarac
tri žene ljubi. je li to umjetnost. je li to
umjetnik. je li to? vlak

ide. vlak ide. vlak ide. vlak ide. čitajući
pjesme američkih pjesnika znam da postoji
poezija koju bih želio pisati – vlak ide. vlak

ide. vlak ide. kao tekst pokreta na tekućoj
vrpci – jer, na drugoj strani mi uporno
stojeći starimo. vlak ide. vlak ide. vlak

ide. ali i čemu san o promjeni: vlak ide.
vlak ide. gdje volim kraj njemačkog filma.
vlak ide. jer ima glazbu vječnosti. vlak

ide. vlak ide. vlak ide. Stipanova je kosa
na balkonu zajedno s vjetrom. vlak ide. vlak
ide. s Lukinom rečenicom o ribi i ptici... vlak

ide. vlak ide. vlak ide. & sjedeći prepoznajem.
vlak ide. & dvije žene u sjedalima ispred mene.
vlak ide. & znam priču o njihovoj patnji. vlak

ide. vlak ide. & što je mala riječ za vrata
kroz koja su prošle. vlak ide. vlak
ide. vlak ide. vlak ide. vlak ide. vlak

ide. – ali, znam li misliti. vlak ide. kao voljeti.
vlak ide. i nadalje o poeziji. o lyn. vlak ide.
u prozi bi pisalo: žena pored mene. vlak

ide. daje znak ljepoti. vlak ide. vlak ide.
zelenila oko nas. ali ni ja ne bih o vjeri.
vlak ide. u riječ. vlak

ide. ne bih ustuknuo pred ribarima. vodonošama.
poštarima. vlak ide. vlak ide. ali smijem li
sklopiti oči. ili nastaviti čitati. vlak ide. vlak

ide. & kao da se ništa nije dogodilo.
hoću li ustati. vlak ide. i reći, nešto o patnji &
o njihovim tijelima. ili šutjeti. vlak

ide. vlak ide. vlak ide. & zelenilo traje
& žene, ispred mene, listaju  prospekt
& wir bauen zügig. vlak

ide. & smiješe se, razmjenjuju sitne pažnje...
vlak ide. vlak ide. na rubu poljane gdje
jedan muškarac tri žene ljubi

Avdio produkcija: Tomislav Krevzelj, Udruga radio mreza 2011


train goes. train goes. train goes. train goes. on
an edge of a field where a man makes love to three
women. train goes. train goes. train

goes. into the night in whose depth small grasshoppers grow
and light reaches your eye. train goes.
train goes. train goes. train

goes. to the place where i teach myself to think about
my left and my right thumb. train goes.
about cramps and afternoons. about joy. train goes. train

goes. where mary caresses herself with water. and poetry
is spoken in the hostel. train goes. train goes. train

goes. as the penitentiary chant. as the history
of prostitution. train goes. where the woman and man
change clothes.  train goes. train goes. train

goes. where you will extend your hand and say the hill
is on fire like the body. the white cliffs of the island of vis.
you’ll whisper bearded and black as a magpie. train

goes. you’ll whisper as a lover with his middle
finger in the woman who wants it. train goes. train
goes. train goes. train goes. train

goes. at the edge of a field where a man
makes love to three women. is that art. is that
an artist. is that it? train

goes. train goes. train goes. train goes. reading
the poems of american poets i know there’s a
poetry i’d like to write - train goes. train

goes. train goes. like the text of movement on an assembly
line - because, on the other side we, upright,  stubbornly
grow old. train goes. train goes. train

goes. after all why dream of change: train goes.
train goes. where i like the endings of german films.
train goes. because it has the music of eternity. train

goes. train goes. train goes. on the balcony
Stephen’s hair is one with the wind. train goes. train
goes. with Luke’s sentence on fish and birds ... train

goes. train goes. train goes. & sitting i recognize.
train goes. & the two women in seats in front of me.
train goes. & i know the story of their suffering. train

goes. train goes. & what is the tiny word for the door
through which they’ve passed. train goes. train
goes. train goes. train goes. train goes. train

goes. - but, do i know how to think. train goes. like how to love.
train goes. and furthermore about poetry. oh lyn. train goes.
it would be written in prose: the woman next to me. train

goes. gives the sign to the beauty. train goes. train goes.
of greenery around us. but neither would i about faith.
train goes. in a word. train

goes. i would not yield before fishermen. water-carriers.
postmen. train goes. train goes. but can i
close my eyes. or continue reading. train goes. train

goes. & as though nothing happened.
will i arise. train goes. and say, something about suffering &
their bodies. or keep quiet. train

goes. train goes. train goes. & the greenery continues
& the women, in front of me, are leafing a booklet
& wir bauen zügig. train

goes. & they laugh, exchanging small civilities ...
train goes. train goes. at the edge of a field
where a man is making love to three women

Translated by Stipe Grgas