Zoran Paunović



Prizor traje do ivice mog pogleda,
Potom se obrušava. Kiša se
Sliva niz oluk. Barica
Koja se stvara u ulegnuću asfalta
Prevariće nekog odbleskom.
Trava se leluja, i zemlja se ježi.
Rovac se užasnut trgne u svom
Uzanom hodniku.
Vrtoglavica se vije
Na staklenoj stabljici.
Kao prašina je mrak rastresit.
Svetlost me uvek iznenadi.
Vrhovi mojih prstiju su se rascvetali.
Blago zanjihan
Svet izvan mene postoji.

© Vojislav Karanović
Iz: Strmi prizori
Avdio produkcija: 2006, M.Mechner / Literaturwerkstatt Berlin

A touch

The scene extends to the verge of my look,
Then it soars down. The rain
Pours down the gutter. The pool
That is being formed in the hollow on the asphalt
Will cheat someone with its reflection.  
The grass sways, the earth shivers.
The mole cricket, horrified, startles
In its narrow passageway.     
Vertigo wavers
On its glass stalk.  
Darkness disperses like dust.
I am always surprised by light.
The tips of my fingers have bloomed.
Slightly swinging
The world around me exists.

Translated by Zoran Paunović