Sibila Petlevski


Miljenko Kovačićek


Majka stvarnost

Svjetovi jedan drugom podmeću
kukavičja jaja i zato, svaki put kad
iluzije kojih je prepun naš dom, otvore
svoje male, pohlepne i ružne kljunove,
naša ih stvarnost hrani našim mesom.
Tolika količina boli može se prihvatiti
samo uz objašnjenje da kako god teško
bilo, sve ostaje u obitelji, među nama.

Kad nas ljube predugo im ostajemo
u ustima. Nisu što mislimo da jesu – naše  
sestre. Nismo im uopće slični dok letimo
u krug. U toj bezglavoj vrtnji u kojoj naši
krugovi dotiču krugove slijepih miševa, 
nije nam jasno lete li one ispred ili iza nas,
jesu li stvarno tako lijepe ili ih naša majka
previše voli. Marijo majko moli za nas.

© Sibila Petlevski
Iz: Spojena lica
Zagreb: HDP-Durieux, 2006
Avdio produkcija: David Gazarov, 2008

Mother Reality

Worlds lay cuckoo’s eggs for each other
and therefore, each time when illusions
with which our home is overcrowded
open their small, greedy and ugly beaks,
our reality feeds them with our flesh.
This much pain can be taken only with
the explanation that no matter how hard it may be,
everything stays in the family, among us.

When they kiss us we stay in their mouth
for too long. They are not what we think they are –
our sisters. We don’t resemble them at all while we fly
in the circle. In this headless spinning in which
our circles touch the bats’ circles, it is unclear
whether they are flying ahead of us or behind us,
whether they are really so beautiful or our mother
loves them too much. Mother Mary, pray for us.

Translated by Miljenko Kovačićek and the author