Ana Pepelnik


nenadoma sneg

Danes mi gre svet na živce.
Ljudje so zategnjeni
kot popki na češnji.
Če zapišem da sem sama
to tudi mislim. Z glasbo
med prsti ponazarjam slabo pesem.

Potem je svet kar naenkrat spet
v redu. Plundro je pobralo
čez noč in vrabci so pri zajtrku.

Rada bi spet dobila kartico
s tremi vrsticami o tem
kako je kaj z ljudmi v drugih mestih.

Avdio produkcija: Literaturwerkstatt Berlin, 2010

Suddenly snow

Today the world gets on my nerves.
People are overstrained
like buds on a cherry tree.

If I write down that I am alone
I mean that. I illustrate bad a poem
with music between my fingers.

All of a sudden the world is ok.
The slush was gone through the night
and sparrows are having breakfast.

I want another postcard
with a few lines about how it is
with other people in other towns.

Translated by Ana Pepelnik and Matthew Zapruder