Ana Pepelnik


podobno sprehodu

Ulica se naenkrat sprazni.
To je učinek snega. Danes se usuva
po cestah kot težka zavesa po odru.
S sabo prinese nek svoj mir in kot
po maslu izgine vse kar je umazano.
Zdaj že vem da to pomeni da se bo
spet pojavil klavir in potem zadušen
zven rokavic ki prehitro drsijo po tipkah.
Spet boš v rokah držal pikapolonico
in mi jo na koncu ulice položil v naročje.
Da me ne bi treslo in da se bo mir
obdržal za par dni. Ulica in vse kar je
na njej je danes drugačno. Belo in prazno.
Deluje rahlo tuje zato se skoncentriram
na toploto v naročju. Z obema rokama
držim pikapolonico ki mi prinese srečo
vsakič ko jo pogledam.

Avdio produkcija: Literaturwerkstatt Berlin, 2010

Walk like

Suddenly the street empties.
That’s the effect snow has. Today
it’s falling down like curtains on a stage.
It brings some peace of its own and
smooth as butter everything dirty
disappears. Now I know it means the piano
will appear again and, later, the muffled
sound of gloves sliding too fast over the keys.
Again you’ll hold the ladybird in your hands
and put it down on my lap at the end of the street.
So I won’t shiver and so that the calm
will hold for a couple of days. The street and everything
on it is different today. White and empty.
Its effect is slightly strange so I concentrate
on the warmth in my lap. With both hands
I hold the ladybird which brings me luck
every time I look at it.

Translated by Ana Pepelnik and Zoë Skoulding