Primož Čučnik


Ana Jelnikar, W. Martin



Oprosti mi, da nisem bil dovolj pozoren
največ štejejo pohvale svojih bližnjih
ljubezen je drveča domovina na kolesu
in vojna le strašljiva novica na jezikih

pod plašči se drobijo koščki kamnov
ti ne spregledajo nikogaršnjih slabosti
a probaj delat tisto, kar te izpolnjuje
strah je ponarejevalec tujega denarja

telo je zračnica do vrha polna zraka
vesolje je brezzračna ječa uma
ta, ki umre, ne bo nič več povedal

je vojna le strašljiva vest na ustih
ko bi vsak delal tisto, kar ga osrečuje
sprememba je drveča domovina na kolesu

© Primož Čučnik
Iz: Ritem v rokah
Ljubljana: Aleph, 2002
Avdio produkcija: 2008 Literaturwerkstatt Berlin


Forgive me for being so inconsiderate
praise from the people close to you matters most
love is a rushing homeland on a bicycle
and war only frightful news on people's tongues

under coats stone particles crumble
these don't overlook anyone's weaknesses
but try and do whatever makes you satisfied
fear is the forger of someone else's money

the body is an inner tube filled to the brim with air
the universe an airless prisonhouse of the mind
whoever dies won't say another word

is war merely frightening news on people's lips
if only everyone did what made them happy
change is a rushing homeland on a bicycle

Translated by Ana Jelnikar and W. Martin