Graham Thomson 

on Lyrikline: 6 poems translated

from: katalonščina to: angleščina



[Veure la pròpia fi]

katalonščina | Feliu Formosa

Veure la pròpia fi
no pas com una interrupció
sinó com una conclusió
Cal plantejar-s’ho
com a objecte i procedir
a una preparació
no tan sols en la ment
sinó amb els actes.

I no deixar de contemplar
el món amb meravella,
amb una enriquidora
i constant estranyesa,
com enterrant tresors
que trobarà algú altre.

És realment possible?
No és demanar massa?

© Feliu Formosa
from: Al llarg de tota una impaciència
Audio production: institut ramon llull

[To see one’s own end]


To see one’s own end
not as an unwanted
but as a logical
One has to approach it
as an object and proceed
to preparation
not only in the mind
but also with deeds.

And not cease to contemplate
the world with wonder,
with an enriching
and constant surprise,
like burying treasures
someone else will find.

Is it really possible?
Is it not asking too much?

Translated by Graham Thomson

[Jo no creia que pogués tornar]

katalonščina | Antoni Marí

Jo no creia que pogués tornar.
No creia que pogués tornar mai més
a veure aquests camps, on la solitud
i l’abandonament governen,
ni aquests petits pujols que cauen
cap al mar, ni aquest aire quiet,
que sembla detenir-ho tot,
ara que tots són al llit, i dormen.

No creia que pogués tornar
a veure aquesta llum que dóna cos
a l’ombra, i a la claror, atordiment.
I creia que no tornaria a saber
que la quietud que ens allibera
i el silenci que ens nodreix
no són la quietud ni el silenci de la mort,
ni el lloc de la recança,
ni la por de qui se sap sol
enmig de l’estranyesa del món.

No creia que pogués tornar
a sentir que tot és u i que tota cosa certa
es mostra en el que és
si un hi és a prop i res no l’acompanya.
No creia que pogués tornar
a restar quiet, envoltat
per la foscor i l’ombra d’aquest núvol
que tot ho entenebreix i ens enlluerna.

Ni creia que podria tornar en aquest desert
que l’ànima ha creat a imatge nostra.
No creia que pogués tornar mai més,
ni que fos jo, tan sols, aquell
que altre cop, aquí,

© Antoni Marí
from: Tríptic des Jondal
Angle, 2003
Audio production: Institut Ramon Llull

[I didn’t think I should return ]


I didn’t think I should return.
I didn’t think I should ever again
look on these fields, where solitude
and abandonment govern,
or these little hills that drop down
to the sea, or this still air,
that seems to halt everything,
now they are all in bed, and sleeping.

I didn’t think I should return
to see this light that gives body
to the shade, and to the light, bafflement.
And I thought I would not know again
that the stillness that frees us
and the silence that nurtures us
are not the stillness and the silence of death,
nor the place of affliction,
nor the fear of one who knows he is alone
amid the strangeness of the world.

I didn’t think I should return
to feel how all is one and how every real thing
shows itself in what it is
if one is near it and quite unaccompanied.
I didn’t think I could go back
to staying still, wrapped around
by the dark and the shadow of this cloud
that dims all and dazzles us.

Nor did I think I’d return to this desert
that the soul has created in our image.
I didn’t think I should ever return,
even were I, simply, the one
that here, again,

Translated by Graham Thomson

[Els meus jardins, que blancs]

katalonščina | Antoni Marí

Els meus jardins, que blancs. Que gèlides
les cambres. Que morta està la vida
arreu al meu voltant. Cristall de neu les sales,
i és com de gel l’alè dels cortesans.
Que curtes les jornades, que foscos
els topants. Que llarga la tenebra dels dies
hivernals. Els meus amics on són?
On són les belles dames? Els músics i els infants?

No pot mudar l’hivern, la voluntat del príncep?
No pot la seva ànsia dissoldre la gelor?
Les meves mans són mortes. Gebrats
tinc tots els dits. No puc prendre la ploma,
ni fer sonar el flautí. No puc amb la viola
els vents asserenar, ni fondre la gelada
amb l’arc del violí.

No puc llegir els llibres amb llum septentrional:
la meva ment es gela, talment, com el palau.
Estic morint tot sol enmig de la gebrada
i cap estel pot sostenir el meu plany.

© Antoni Marí
from: Tríptic des Jondal
Angle, 2003
Audio production: Institut Ramon Llull

[My gardens, how white]


My gardens, how white. How chill
the chambers. How dead is the life
all around me. Snow crystal the halls,
and like ice the courtiers’ breath.
How short the days, how dark
the regions. How long the darkness of the days
of winter. My friends, where are they?
Where are the beautiful ladies? The musicians and the children?

Can the prince’s will not move the winter?
Can his longing not dispel the cold?
My hands are dead. Frost
stiffens every finger. I cannot pick up the pen,
or make the flute sound. I cannot calm the winds
with the viola, or thaw the ice
with the violin’s bow.

I cannot read the books by this northern light:
my mind freezes, like the frozen palace.
I am dying all alone amid the hoar-frost
and no star can sustain my lament.

Translated by Graham Thomson


katalonščina | Perejaume

Mireu el nom
posat en boca d’un que hi passa.
Mireu el lloc
en boca d’un que hi viu.
Té quasi d’herba la paraula
i l’aire va daurant-se i daurant-se
com un marc gegantí.

Si provàveu de parlar-li
amb paraules de les seves
veuríeu l’aire que us entra als ulls
i com un arbre
la vista que us tremola.

© Perejaume
from: Obreda
Audio production: institut ramon llull



Look at the name
in the mouth of one passing through.
Look at the place
in the mouth of one who lives there.
It’s almost herb-like, the word,
and the air keeps on gilding and gilding
like a gigantic frame.

If you tried to speak to him
with his own words
you would see the air enter your eyes
and like a tree
your vision tremble.

Translated by Graham Thomson

Matèria de graffiti

katalonščina | Bartomeu Fiol

‘Lúcid però dislocat’,
epitafi el més adient.
‘M’heu destorbat la llengua,
m’heu estroncat el doll’, hi podeu afegir.

Tanmateix, entesos morbosos, faríeu malament
de centrar-vos en aquesta o en cap altra ferida:
els jos poètics són una gernació
talment com els jos no poètics.

Finalment, amb mà del tot invisible
i grafit untuós, qualcú escriu també,
a la llisa paret o al mur gratellós:
‘tot jo és una exageració’.

© Bartomeu Fiol
from: Catàleg de matèria
El Tall Editors, 1998
Audio production: Institut Ramon Llull

Material of Graffiti


‘Lucid but dislocated’,
the most suitable epitaph.
‘You have disturbed my tongue,
you have stopped the flow’, you could add.

And yet, you morbid savants, you would be wrong
to concentrate on this or any other wound:
the poetic Is are a whole throng
just like the non-poetic Is.

Finally, with a totally invisible hand
and unctuous graphite, somebody also writes,
on the smooth wall or the scratchy brick:
‘every I is an exaggeration’.

Translated by Graham Thomson

hi ha la dona

katalonščina | Eduard Escoffet

hi ha la dona que t'escolta i hi ha l'altra.
hi ha la dona que, amb la nit, esmussa la lluna i te la trobes, i hi ha l'altra.
hi ha la dona que veus
i l'altra. i la que voldries veure…i l'altra.
hi ha la dona, et sembla recordar, que et va fer perdre
el món de vista i hi ha l'altra. també
hi ha la dona que te la fa oblidar i l'altra, que també.
hi ha la dona i el vent, a lloure, que són parla
i són paraules i un somni que camina. i fuig. i l'altra.
hi ha la dona que voldries conèixer i l'altra.
hi ha l'altra i la dona que no recordes.
hi ha la dona i l'altra que voldries
oblidar. hi ha la dona sense ulls, que són
les bótes de vi de la fosca d'un veler que
ha acabat amb el mar i t'ha dit que de sirenes
no n'ha vist. l'altra tampoc. i hi ha la dona
que cridarà que no ha tocat el foc,
que duia els ulls tapats i hi ha l'altra,
a qui has tapat els ulls, i també estàs tu
amb els ulls arrencats de socarrel entre el mirall
i la llum del sol. hi ha la dona que remuga
i hi ha l'altra. hi ha la dona que estén la roba
o bé disposa la fragilitat del món i hi ha l'altra.
hi ha la dona, feta carn, que és en la llum i és en la fosca
i hi ha l'altra, en la fosca i en la llum.
hi ha la dona i el sexe. també, el sexe. i l'altra.


© Eduard Escoffet
from: unveröffentlicht
Audio production: 2006, M.Mechner / Literaturwerkstatt Berlin



there is the woman that listens to you and there is the other.
there is the woman that, with the night, dulls the moon and you find her, and there is the other.
there is the woman that you see
and the other. and the one you would like to see… and the other.
there is the woman, you seem to remember, that made you lose
sight of the world and there is the other. then too
there is the woman that makes you forget her and the other, she does too.
there is the woman and the wind, at leisure, that are speech
and are words and a dream that walks. and flies. and the other.

there is the woman that you would like to know and the other.
there is the other and the woman you do not remember.
there is the woman and the other that you would like
to forget. there is the woman without eyes, that are
the barrels of wine in the dark of a sailboat that
has done with the sea and has told you that mermaids
she has not seen. the other neither. and there is the woman
that will cry that she has not touched the fire,
that has her eyes covered and there is the other,
whose eyes you have covered, and you too have
your eyes pulled from their sockets between the mirror
and the light of the sun.

there is the woman that mutters
and there is the other. there is the woman that hangs out the washing
or arranges the fragility of the world and there is the other.
there is the woman, made flesh, that is in the light and is in the dark
and there is the other, in the dark and in the light.
there is the woman and the sex. the sex, too. and the other.

Translated by Graham Thomson