Nikita Andrejev 

on Lyrikline: 1 poems translated

from: estonščina to: angleščina



Nad ütlevad

estonščina | Indrek Koff

Nad ütlevad, et mäng on väikese inimese töö.
Et ressursse tuleb hallata jätkusuutlikult.
Et tuleb ise elada ja teistelgi elada lasta ja et liikumine on põhivabadus.
Et vanaema pannkoogid on kõige paremad just maasikamoosiga.
Et depressioon on haigus, mida pole vaja häbeneda.
Et vanasti oli tähtis inimene, aga nüüd nähtavasti ainult raha.
Vahel juhtub, et nad jäävad kuulatama.
Ajavad kaela õieli, pea kergelt viltu.

© Indrek Koff
Audio production: Estonian Literature Centre

They say


They say that the work of a child is play.
That resources have to be managed sustainably.
That one has to live and let live and that movement is a fundamental right.
That grandma’s pancakes are the best with strawberry jam, no other.
That depression is a condition that one need not be ashamed of.
That before it was people that mattered, but nowadays apparently it is only money.
Occasionally it happens that they stop to listen.
They crane their neck, head slightly tilted.

Translated by Marrit Andrejeva and Nikita Andrejev