W. Martin 

on Lyrikline: 7 poems translated

from: slovenščina to: angleščina



Stari ljudje umirajo mlajši

slovenščina | Primož Čučnik

Kaj tebi pomeni to, kar meni pomeni
zrak, ki ga diham, in/ali voda, ki jo pijem,
in/ali jezik, ki ga govorim, in tako naprej?
Tako sem se sprehajal skozi gozd, kjer sta poganjala  
praprot in borovničevo grmičje, tam si se
sprehajal tudi ti, nekoč, mogoče si opazoval
iste zareze na deblih zasek, mah v pravi smeri.
Vsakomur, ki sem ga srečal, sem predlagal,
naj govori moj jezik; pa jih v resnici ni bilo veliko,
na strtih pločnikih sem samo oplazil nekaj vej.
Bil sem lahek in tenak, skoraj list, skoraj razvodenelo
čustvo, skoraj razsuta prašnica,
drugačna narava. Brez izpostavljenega smisla,
brez svarila. Čuden tekst na tvojem
čelu, milni mehurčki nasmehov z ustnic,
podrti kozolci in kašče, polne žonglerskih rekvizitov,
tvoja spretnost. V tem zmedenem prometu
je bolje ostati mlad, v očeh drugih
in v svojem začaranem gozdu. Z očmi drugih,
v drugačni naravi, ki ti včasih pusti zraven,
potem pa steče v drugo smer, kjer se odločiš za teh par besed
v tihi sobi, ki je tiha, dokler ne spregovorijo
in/ali ne zaigrajo na izparelo violino,
trzaje grenkih strun.

© Primož Čučnik
from: Nova okna
Ljubljana: Lud Literatura, 2005
Audio production: 2008 Literaturwerkstatt Berlin

Old People May Die Younger


Does it mean for you what it means for me,

this air I breathe and/or water I drink

and/or language I speak and so on?

I walked through the forest, saw fern and blossoming

blueberries, the same forest you once

walked through, too, probably noticing these

notched logged trunks, moss in the right direction.

Try to speak my language was my suggestion

to everyone I met. Truth is, they weren’t many;

on broken pavements I only touched a few branches.

I was light and thin, practically a leaf, feeling practically

watered down, a practically messed-up puff ball,

a different nature. Without an expounded meaning,

without warning. Weird content on your

forehead, soap-bubble smiles on lips,

ramshackle hayracks and granaries full of juggling equipment,

your trade. In this puzzled traffic it’s better

to stay young, in other people’s eyes and in your enchanted

forest. With other people’s eyes, in a different nature

that sometimes lets you get close, but then runs

in the opposite direction, where you choose these words

in a quiet room, quiet until they’re spoken

and/or played on an evaporated violin,

the twitching of bitter strings.

Translated by Ana Pepelnik and W. Martin


slovenščina | Primož Čučnik

Oprosti mi, da nisem bil dovolj pozoren
največ štejejo pohvale svojih bližnjih
ljubezen je drveča domovina na kolesu
in vojna le strašljiva novica na jezikih

pod plašči se drobijo koščki kamnov
ti ne spregledajo nikogaršnjih slabosti
a probaj delat tisto, kar te izpolnjuje
strah je ponarejevalec tujega denarja

telo je zračnica do vrha polna zraka
vesolje je brezzračna ječa uma
ta, ki umre, ne bo nič več povedal

je vojna le strašljiva vest na ustih
ko bi vsak delal tisto, kar ga osrečuje
sprememba je drveča domovina na kolesu

© Primož Čučnik
from: Ritem v rokah
Ljubljana: Aleph, 2002
Audio production: 2008 Literaturwerkstatt Berlin



Forgive me for being so inconsiderate
praise from the people close to you matters most
love is a rushing homeland on a bicycle
and war only frightful news on people's tongues

under coats stone particles crumble
these don't overlook anyone's weaknesses
but try and do whatever makes you satisfied
fear is the forger of someone else's money

the body is an inner tube filled to the brim with air
the universe an airless prisonhouse of the mind
whoever dies won't say another word

is war merely frightening news on people's lips
if only everyone did what made them happy
change is a rushing homeland on a bicycle

Translated by Ana Jelnikar and W. Martin

Prva pesem

slovenščina | Primož Čučnik

Prva pesem govori o starem načinu
življenja. Kako so bile stvari postavljene
v začetku in kako se je vedelo, kje naj bi
se končale, ali v obrisih ponovno začele

z znanimi čustvi. A potem prične
kukavica biti večje ure, in trava rase
višje in rože cvetijo lepše in popoldanski
sprehajalci se zazirajo v prezrte barve.

Sneg je še bel, ampak bolj čist
in jasen, nebo nad strešniki še modro,
ampak modro v zlatosti odličnega
opoldneva, in pesem še vedno odmevna

v svojem zimzelenem tonu. Zvezde
pogledujejo proti nam kot presenečeni
znanci, srečani spet po tisoč letih,  
in knjiga še po tisoč letih trdi svoje

in posebna reka se je splazila med
bleščeče kamne, obrušene od stare
rečnosti in pravih oblik, kot trpežna
srca posejanih po dnu njenega rokava.

Ni kak mesec, ki bi se ga dalo imenovati,
ali leto, za katero bi se vedelo, kdaj
se je začelo, so le v uho se zlivajoči
zvoki hipov, ko se ne ve za čas, kot da

bi bil ves čas preteklost, tvoj izvirni greh
je zakopan še v spanju in iz praznih
žepov še lahko potegneš prvo pesem,
ki te ponese tja. A zdaj je jasna in razločna,

le njen refren, ki si ga enkrat znal na pamet,
se spreminja, da nikoli ne ujameš besed.

© Primož Čučnik
from: Nova okna
Ljubljana: Lud Literatura, 2005
Audio production: 2008 Literaturwerkstatt Berlin

First Song


First song speaks of the old way
of life. How things were set
in the beginning and how it was clear where
they should end or outlined begin again

with familiar feelings. But then the cuckoo
started to strike greater hours, and grass
grew taller and flowers blossomed more beautifully
and afternoon strollers gazed at hitherto missed colours.

Snow still white, but cleaner
and brighter, the sky above the roof tiles still blue,
but blue in the goldenness of a perfect
afternoon, and the song still resounding

in its evergreen tones. The stars cast
their glance towards us like surprised acquaintances
bumping into one another after a thousand years,
and the book sticks to its claim even after a thousand years,

and a special river has crawled between
the glittering rocks from the old riverness
polished to perfect shapes like durable
hearts tossed into its winding.

Not a month to name
nor a year to know when
it all started, only sounds of moments
poured into an ear and the time unknown

as though all time was past, your original sin
still buried in your sleep and from an empty
pocket you can pull your first song
which took you there. But it is plain and clear now,

only its chorus that you once knew by heart
keeps changing, so that you can never catch the words.

Translated by Ana Jelnikar and W. Martin

Akordi III

slovenščina | Primož Čučnik

Ali boš zmeraj drsal sam.
Ali bo tvoje drsanje poplačano.

Drsalec, glasba rohni iz tišine
srce drži ravnotežje z drsalkami.

Ogromni liki mest te hočejo otožnega,
a ne smeš se ustaviti, da bi ujel odprto govorjenje.

In sam drsiš (kot bi nekdo drsal ob tebi),
v množici drsalcev (in vendar drsaš sam).

Kako se spreminjaš, veš, kaj je pod nebom,
kako spretne so tvoje drsalke!

Še prvi drsalec ti hoče pokazati,
kako je najhitreje drsati v vesoljnem drsališču!

Da nisi edini, so bolj tekmovalni od tebe,
a ni vsakdo v čudovitem brestju praznine.

Ali slediš nebesno smer, sledi ji, sledi,
tam je vedno kaj odločilnega.

Samo ne govori ljudem o svojem drsanju.
Ne bi verjeli, da ti nihče ne daje ravnotežja.

Ne ponavljaj v nedogled, kaj te osrečuje.
Nisi edini s skrhano drsalko.

Drsaj tako kot da drsaš v samoti.
Drsaj kot bi drsal sam.

© Primož Čučnik
from: Akordi
Ljubljana: Šerpa, 2009-11-13 14:16:32
Audio production: 2008 Literaturwerkstatt Berlin

Chords III


Will you always skate alone.
Will your skating pay off.

Skater, the music blusters out of silence
your heart keeps balance with the skates.

The giant shapes of cities want you melancholy,
but you can't stop to catch the open talk.

And you skate alone (as if someone was skating beside you),
in a crowd of skaters (and yet you skate alone).

How you change, you know what's under the sky,
how skilled your skates are!

Even the first skater wants to show you how to be
the fastest skater in the rink of the universe!

That you are not the only one,
that there are those more competitive,
but not everyone can be in the wonderful thicket of the void.

Are you following the sky, follow it, follow it,
there's always something momentous there.

Just don't tell people about your skating.
They wouldn't believe you kept your balance on your own.

Stop always saying what makes you happy.
You're not the only one with jagged skates.

Skate as if you were skating on your own.
Skate as if you were skating alone.

Translated by Ana Jelnikar and W. Martin

Akordi II

slovenščina | Primož Čučnik

O fant, kam drsaš, v jezi
na drsalkah ne poznaš smeri.

Je vesolje, kamor te nosi in se drsalke
več ne stikajo s tlemi pod tabo.

Ali plesalci tu na glavah plešejo
ali samo padajo
in so globoko v naglem padanju.

Drobne pike so planeti in drsalke
vsake toliko zdrsnejo z ukrivljene ploskve.

Je to ples o plesu, ali zemlja že
ves čas pleše in je tvoje drsanje le želja.

Če se premikaš s tako naglico, te sploh
še kdo ustavi, vidi sneti drsalke.  

Dober drsalec si, tvoje drsanje
je let okruškov kometa v kozmosu.

Si kdaj videl utrinke, zagledal
bliske, nenadne, zaslišal velike poke.

Je razneslo tvoj notranji, človeški glas ali
se je izustil molčečnež, ki se prej ni še nikoli.

Ah, treseš se (ko zadrsaš v praznino),
drsalke ječijo: Ne obžaluj ničesar.

© Primož Čučnik
from: Akordi
Ljubljana: Šerpa, 2004
Audio production: 2008 Literaturwerkstatt Berlin

Chords II


Boy, where are you skating, in your anger
you have lost your bearings.

There is a universe attracting you
and your skates take leave of the ground.

Do dancers dance on their heads here
or do they simply fall
and are deep in their fast falling.

Tiny dots are planets and the skates
every so often slide off the curved surface.

Is this a dance of dancing or has the earth
danced for all time and your skating is only a wish.

If you move with such haste, can anyone ever
stop you, see you take off your skates.

You are a fine skater, your skating
the flight of a comet's shards through the cosmos.

Did you ever see a shooting star, catch sight
of lightning, suddenly, hear big banging.

Did your inner human voice burst or
close-lipped voice for the first time.

Ah, you tremble (gliding into the void),
the skates groan: regret nothing.

Translated by Ana Jelnikar and W. Martin

Akordi I

slovenščina | Primož Čučnik

Primi zavržene drsalke in zadrsaj se
čez poledenele pločnike.

Na nož nabrušene zareži v ploskev
in naj sta nogi z drsalkami eno.

Oddrsaj hitro, sam, kot da bi šlo za
tekmovanje, ne oziraj se na klice: »Kam drsi?«.

Dobro je tako drsati, brez omejitev
pod drsalkami ti je vse dovoljeno.

Edini drsalec tu spodaj si, ne vidiš niti
lis in senc ki jih mečejo drsalke.

Zdrsiš med mestne luči
imaš ravnotežje
ne prevrneš se na hrbet.

Drsalke puščajo ostro sled črt
na leskeči ploskvi pod njimi so rezi.

Vzemi torej zaprašen par in oddrsaj  
v drsečo snov, tam se boš počutil celega.

Drsaj sam in pod tabo se bo led
spremenil v živo tekočino.

Ne govori ljudem o svojem drsanju.
Drsaj, kot da ne bi drsal sam.

© Primož Čučnik
from: Akordi
Ljubljana: Šerpa, 2004
Audio production: 2008 Literaturwerkstatt Berlin

Chords I


Pick up castaway skates and glide
across frozen pavements.

Point-blank honed, cut into the surface
and let the legs with the skates be one.

Skate away quickly, alone, as though it were a race,
pay no attention to shouts: “Where is he skating?”

It’s good to skate this way, no bounds
under skates everything is allowed.

You’re the lone skater down here, you see
neither marks nor shadows the skates cast.

You glide among the city lights,
you hold your balance,
you don’t fall over backwards.

The skates leave a sharp trace of lines,
grooves in the shimmering surface under them.

So, take a dusty old pair and skate away
into a skidding substance, there you’ll feel whole.

Skate by yourself and under you, ice will turn
to a quickened liquid.

Don’t tell people about your skating.
Skate as though you weren’t skating alone.

Translated by Ana Jelnikar and W. Martin

V tem primeru

slovenščina | Primož Čučnik

sem prepričan, da moraš povsem
zaupati domišljiji in stezicam,
ki jih na brezpotjih ubere jezik.
On bi lahko vedel – vsekakor
pametnejši od nas, mogoče edina opora.
Ko greš skozi puščavo, rabiš vodo
in rezervne dele za motor džipa.
Vzemi torej vse, kar je v tem slovarju
in tudi česar ni. Lahko ti pride prav.
Tudi pozneje, tudi ko te ne bo več –
prividi utrinkov nad sipinami
in zvezde bodo sijale.

© Primož Čučnik
from: Nova okna
Ljubljana: Lud Literatura, 2005
Audio production: 2008 Literaturwerkstatt Berlin

In which case


I’m sure you absolutely have to
trust imagination and the tracks
that language takes in pathlessness.
It probably knows. In any case,
it’s smarter than we are, probably our only support.
When you walk through the desert you need water
and spare parts for the jeep.
So take everything you find in this dictionary,
and everything you don’t. You might need it.
Even later, even when you no longer are —
apparitions of comets over the dunes,
and the stars will shine on.

Translated by Ana Jelnikar and W. Martin