Andrew Wachtel 

on Lyrikline: 1 poems translated

from: словенский to: английский




словенский | Aleš Šteger

Nemi izbruhi ionov. Suspenz energije v znak.
Antitežnost. Ples magnetizma v kostnih bulah.
S prostim očesom vidne šele,
Ko je telo potisnjeno v mrak,
Ko je zasenčeno in nemočno,
Scela izročeno, kot je telo pacienta izročeno
Ravnodušnim rokam bolničarjev, ki pravkar
Za sabo zapirajo vrata sobe za rentgen.
Ga puščajo samega s sabo in z aparatom,
Gumijasto prisesanim ob njegov prsni koš.
Presevanje. Morda usodno.
Sto petdeset milijonov kilometrov proč se
Iz Sončeve kromosfere, brez pravega vzroka,
Dvigajo gmote razbeljenega plina,
Zarišejo čudežno znamenje na obrobju astralne praznine,
Se odtrgajo in z veliko hitrostjo odletijo v vesolje.
Žarenje. Komaj zaznavno.
Bodi besedna dolžina svetlobnih valov,
Ki potujejo skozi spomin in meso,
Da bi z beleženjem ran
Celil imena za pohabe tega sveta.

© Aleš Šteger
Audio production: 2000 M. Mechner, literaturWERKstatt berlin



Dumb explosions of ions.  Suspense of energy in a symbol.
Anti-gravity.  Dance of magnetism in bony bumps.
With the naked eye one sees only
When the body is squeezed into darkness
When it is screened and helpless,
Totally handed over, as when a patient’s body is handed over
To the indifferent hands of technicians who have just
Closed the door the x-ray cabinet behind them.
They leave him with himself and the machine.
The rubber apron weighing down upon his chest.
A flash. Perhaps fateful.
For no good reason, 93 million miles away,
In the Sun’s chromosphere,
Masses of white-hot gas are moving.
They pull away and race off into the universe at great speed.
A ray.  Hardly perceptible.
Be the verbal wavelength of the light rays
That travel through memories and flesh.
Recording the wounds
You can cure those crippled by this world.

Translated by Andrew Wachtel

© A. Steger / Andrew Wachtel