Joseph P. Clancy 

on Lyrikline: 1 poems translated

from: валлийский to: английский




валлийский | Menna Elfyn

Murddyn yw byw. Ninnau, mynnwn ei drwsio
at ddiddosrwydd.  Gyda’n dwylo ei saernio 
at frig adeilad. Nes clymu o dano nenbren, 
a wylia holl fynd a dod ein byw heb wybren.
Dau rwymyn cam. Naddwyd hwy’n gyfan, 
yn gyffion cytun, yn drawstiau llyfn a llydan.
Cyfarfod dau. Dyna’r grefft a fagwn wrth amgau 
dros ffrâm dau gnawd gan asio’r llyfnus gyplau 
sydd weithiau’n enfysu’n un. Ar ogwydd uwch yr oerfyd, 
geubrennau’n chwiffio serch. Yna’n stond am ennyd.
A’r to mor elwig ar dro yn gwichian cariad
wrth ddwrdio’r gwyfyn draw. I aros tro ei gennad.

from: Perffaith Nam / Perfect Blemish
Tarset: Bloodaxe, 2007
Audio production: Wales Literature Exchange



Life is a house in ruins. And we mean to fix it up
And make it snug. With our hands we knock it into shape

To the very top. Till beneath this we fasten a roofbeam
That will watch the coming and going of our skyless life,

Two crooked segments. They are fitted together,
Timbers in concord. Smooth beams, and wide.

Two in touch. That’s the craft we nurture in folding
Doubled flesh on a frame. Conjoining the smooth couplings

That sometimes arch into one. Aslant above a cold world,
Hollow wood wafting passion. Then stock still for a time.

And how clear cut the roof, creaking love at times,
As it chides the worm to keep off and await its turn.

Translated by Joseph P. Clancy