Ronald Puppo 

on Lyrikline: 1 poems translated

from: каталанский to: английский



ES – Josep Pedrals

каталанский | [GR-ES-IE-CY-PL-AT-GR]

...que, finalment,
s’han tornat pedra

Mesclats en la codolada,
brogeixen els rius de runa

conglomerats per la pasta
detergent de pluges, plors...

Aquest és el lloc, senyors

on reverbera la història
i al brogit de tal cridòria
hi subsisteix la cançó

Tot i que el terreny és aspre,
entre crostes, cicatrius,
hi ha camins per festejar-se

Quan hi escarboten fontanes
rebullint traus mal curats,
la llengua llepa les nafres,
que tenen gust d’oceà.

Els sediments s’esgarrapen

© Josep Pedrals
Audio production: @ poesiefestival berlin 2012

Spain – Josep Pedrals


…and finally,
they turned to stone

Blending with pebbly throngs,
rivers of rubble shriek by

bonded in the cementing
wash of rain, and tears…

This is the place gentlemen

where history reverberates
and amid the din of all the shouting
the song carries on

Though the terrain is rugged,
among the pocks and scars,
there are paths for the relishing

When the gouging brings forth founts
inflaming wounds half-healed,
the tongue licks the sores
that taste just like the ocean.

The sediments claw and scrape

Translation from Catalan by Ronald Puppo