Miroslav Mićanović


Stipe Grgas


[Ustajem u 5]

Ustajem u 5
i legnem prije toga

To možda nije dovoljno
za jednu povijest.

Ustajem u 5
i tražim prije toga
broja – ispod stola
u mlakoj vodi,
između tri vilice –
ta će radost biti
jutro – ta će radost
biti zlatna žličica
– ona nije Jerzy, koja
nije Josip, nije vjeverica,
koja skače u tamnoj
šumi i piše radosne pjesme
za djecu.

Ustajem u 5
i legnem prije toga broja –
to nije lijep rukopis
za Novu godinu ili jesen,
bakarsku vodu, u Varićakovoj,
       nad mojom sobom, nadvija se
       bijela stijena Krka, muškarac i
       žena s košarom na leđima, između
       smokava, maslina i bure –
       skoro su na vrhu slova A.
       (Koje kao što znamo...)

Jerzy, Jerzy, skoči vjeverica
i ugasi svijeću
nad dubokom
vodom Dunava.

Аудиопроизводство: Tomislav Krevzelj, Udruga radio mreza 2011

[I get up at 5]

I get up at 5
and am in bed before
that number.

That it may be is not enough
for a history.

I get up at 5
and seek before that
number-under the table
in the tepid water,
between three forks -
that joy will be
morning - that joy will be
a golden spoon
- it is not Jerzy, who
is not Josip, is not a squirrel,
which jumps in the dark
wood and writes joyous poems
for children.

I get up at 5
and am in bed before that number -
that’s not fine handwriting
for New Year or for autumn,
for a bottle of champagne, in Vari}akova street,
       over my room, looms
       the white stone of Krk, a man
       and a woman with a creel on her back, between
       fig trees, olives and the northerner -
       they’re almost at the top of letter A.
       (Which as we know ...)

Jerzy, Jerzy, the squirrel jumps
and blows out the candle
over the deep
water of the Danube.

Translated by Stipe Grgas