Lucija Stupica


Andrej Pleterski



Čas je za jabolko, čas za odhod
na tržnico, tako kot sem se nekoč spustila
v sadovnjak in si ga sama izbrala in utrgala,
še v jutru, opranega z roso.
Tudi ob reki je jutro, in ta kačasto reže vanj,
prebuja se babilon, in ta kačasto reže vanj,
spustim se navzdol kot po golem telesu,
gladko in hitro, potem se je treba ustaviti,
si ogledati, izbrati, ugrizniti, da zakrvavijo
ustnice, spet mladostno sveže.
In spijem sok z obraza,
razdelim oči in rane,
vse se sestavi v red:
vid in življenje in drevo,
z blagoslovom razdelim sadež
in še enkrat ugriznem vanj,
in ugrizne mesto,
in ugrizneš ti.

© Študentska založba
Из: Otok, mesto in drugi
Ljubljana: Študentska založba, 2008
Аудиопроизводство: Študentska založba & Sonolab, Ljubljana 2010

An Apple

It is time for an apple, time to go
to the marketplace, as I used to move down
into the orchard to choose and pluck one myself
still in the morning, washed in dew.  
It is also morning by the river cutting through it snake-like,
babel is waking up, cutting through it snake-like,
I move down as if along a naked body,
smoothly and quickly, then one needs to stop,
to have a look, to choose, to bite so the lips
bleed youthfully fresh again.
I drink up the juice from a face,
I share out eyes and wounds,
everything is put in order:
eyesight and life and the tree,
with a blessing I split up the fruit
and I bite into it again,
and it is the town that bites,
and it is you who bite.

Translated by: Andrej Pleterski