Yolanda Castaño


Lawrence Schimel



O mundo é un hotel sen mostrador de recepción.
O don da elocuencia non é un ben comunitario.

Non se repartiron así nin os pans nin os peixes.
Por estribor a carne e por babor as espiñas.

Ides perder a cabeza e chóvenvos
os ricos terán cartos os pobres terán fillos.

Eu sei dun pan que eu partiría en anacos
que fosen minúsculos e durase para os restos;
se unha faragulla pode ocuparlle a boca a alguén,
se pode saciar, se talvez destrabala.

Coma botes salvavidas na gloria do Titanic,
soutos de peites para quen está

Urbi et orbi da retórica: nin está nin se espera.
Calcétanse barbas para quen non ten queixelo.

Tocáronlles a algunhas bocas tres segundos de memoria.
E Deus ha dar ese pan
a alguén con ben menos dentes.

© Yolanda Castaño
Из: A segunda lingua
Santiago de Compostella: PEN Clube de Galicia, 2014
Аудиопроизводство: Literaturwerkstatt Berlin, 2015


The world is a hotel with no reception desk.
The gift of eloquence is not a common good.

Loaves and fishes were not distributed that way.
Meat to the starboard, fishbones to the port.

You're going to lose your head and it's raining hats on you,
the rich will have money the poor will have children.

I know of a bread that I would break into chunks
miniscule chunks that would make enough leftovers,
if a crumb could possibly fill a mouth,
if it could satisfy or perhaps even untie a tongue.

Like lifeboats on the glory of the Titanic,
groves of combs for those who are

Urbi et orbi of rhetoric: neither here nor expected.
Beards are knitted for those lacking a jaw.

Some mouths were granted three seconds of memory.
And God will give that bread
to someone with fewer teeth.

Translation: Lawrence Schimel