Josep Carner


Anna Crowe


Cançó de vell

Hi ha una fina flama
que hom sent i no veu;
em deixa i em torna
i em fuig i m’atreu.

Quan tinc son, fa veure
que em vol defugir,
i quan ja somio
resta prop de mi

Fa a trenc d’alba: -Lleva’t
i oreja la llar;
l’univers que et volta
et somia encara.

Doncs, per tal comanda,
oh mon cor sublim,
prenguem paciència
que encara vivim.

© Raimon Bergós lawyer’s office
Из: Lligam
Аудиопроизводство: Biblioteca Nacional de Catalunya

Old Man’s Song

There is a slender flame
a man feels but does not see;
it leaves me then returns
fleeing and pulling me.

When I drowse, it’s clear
it has no wish to bide,
and yet when I am dreaming
it stays close by my side.

– Get up, it says – at daybreak –
let fresh air in your home;
the universe around you
still wraps you in its dream.

And so, from such an ordinance,
o heart of mine sublime,
let us accept with patience
that we are still alive.

Translated by Anna Crowe.