Joana Raspall


Jacob Rhodes


El trobador

Penso fer-me trobador,
seguir terres i cantar
a les dames dels castells
que em volguessin escoltar.
Sé que no totes són belles
ni tenen cabells daurats
ni els ulls semblen estrelles
ni els llavis ben dibuixats.
...Alguna deu ser garrella,
i una altra, de cos neulit;
o tenir nas de patata,
ulls de peix o front pansit...
Aquestes, vull! Les boniques,
si escoltaven el meu cant,
no estarien tant contentes
ni m’ho agrairien tant.
Són les menys afavorides,
les fàcils d’acontentar;
volen creure que el cantaire
no les pretén enganyar.
Penso que em correspondrien
amb bon sou i tracte bo,
ja que al món no trobarien
millor cantaire que jo.

Em veuria de les dames
Ben rebut i ben pagat;
...i, de passada, els duria
Un bri de felicitat.

© Hereus Joana Raspall C.B.
Из: El meu món de poesia
Vilanova i la Geltrú: El cep i la nansa, 2011
Аудиопроизводство: El cep i la nansa

The Troubadour

I have a plan to become a troubadour,
to travel across lands and sing
to all the maidens in castles
who would care to listen to me.
I know that not all are fair
nor bare golden hair
nor do their eyes shine like stars
or possess full and curvy lips.
…one may be bow-legged
and another, scrawny;
or have a potato for a nose,
fishy eyes or a shrunken forehead…
These are the ones I seek! Yet, the pretty ones,
should they listen to my song,
would not be so content
nor would they thank me so.
They are the least favoured,
the easy ones to please;
always wanting to believe that songbirds
are not out to fool them.
I think I would be received
with fair salary and fairer treatment,
as they shall never find a finer songbird
than I in this whole world.

I shall drink on the maidens’ coin,
well received and well paid;
…and, in passing, I should bring them
a touch of joy repaid.

Translated by Jacob Rhodes