

Gore rino hakuvatwi
    tisina kuzvigadzira
Rino gore hakurarwi
    tisina kuzvipedza

Hatingaregi uchiwondonga, takangotarisa
Hatingaregi uchibvoronga, takangonyarara
Hatingaregi uchiwondomora, takangodzvondora
Hatingaregi uchibvonyonga, takangoduka

Zuva riya wakatuka mbuya, tikazvinyarara
Riya zuva wakatengesa pfuma, tikangonyarara
Nezuro wakapisa dura, tikazvinyarara
Nhasi woisa tsvina mutsime?
                    tsvina mutsime?
                    tsvina mutsime?

© Chirikuré Chirikuré
Аудиопроизводство: 2005, M.Mechner / Literaturwerkstatt Berlin

We will not sleep

This year we will not sleep

    before we sort this matter

This year we will not sleep

    before we finish this issue

We can’t let you mess up while we watch

We can’t let you upset things while we keep quiet

We can’t let you destroy while we look with starry eyes

We can’t let you muddle up while we crouch in fear

That day you insulted grandmother

    but we kept quiet

The other day you sold the family property

    and we kept quiet

Yesterday you burnt down the granary

    and we kept quiet

But today you shit in the well?

                       shit in the well?

                       shit in the well?